Chapter 44

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The reception was weird. Emmett had a speech with a double meaning. Charlie made sure to warn he knew how to hide a body, Jessica was taking a last stab at acting jealous, Esme was lovely and Renee was singing out of tune.

"Leo, your turn." Alice said. "Come on people encourage her." The Cullen boys and the wolves that were present chanted. "Leo. Leo. Leo."

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. I got up to the mic. "Hello everyone, for those who don't know I'm Leona. Bella's older half-sister. When I got home from the army, I had hoped to just find a bit of peace and quiet. Boy was I wrong.

When I met the Cullen kids, at first I thought they were just preppy snobbish, aside from Emmett, rich kids. You know the type one finds in drama-series on tv. But getting to know them, I learned they were kind, caring people with each their own forms of hurt in their pasts. Found and taken in by such a compassionate father-figure and unconditionally loving mother. It felt like a rare honor to meet these people. And now my sweet sister gets to be part of that family. I have only two things to say.

First. I hope that if she ever cries there will only be tears of joy. Or else I will help Charlie hide the bodies. And second of all, Edward if you thought Emmett's teasing was bad you got a lot worse coming. I finally have little brothers to tease and a lot of time on my hands. To Edward and Bella." I cheered before leaving the stage.

Edward's speech was nice too. Not long after It was time to mingle and such. I met the family from Alaska. "I can't believe it. An alchemist after all this time."

"You must be Eleazar and Carmen, I heard about you." I greeted them.

"We are. It's an honor to meet you. Oh these are Tanya, Kate and..."

"Irina. I'm sorry about Laurent. I'm sure he loved you but you were no true mates. Or else he wouldn't have helped Victoria." I told the third blond woman.

"You're wrong. He wanted to change."

"I know and I didn't say he didn't want to try but if you had been soulmates you wouldn't be here so calmly after his death."

"What would you know of soulmates?" She scoffed.

"Mia Stella, there you are." Right on time, my sweet warrior.

"What is he doing here?" Tanya hissed lightly.

"Tigre mio, I am guessing you know the coven from Alaska?" I asked him.

"I do. Hello." He was a bit guarded now pulling me somewhat to his side.

"Felix and I are going to stay in America for a long while. Aro wants to use America as a test area to see if we can't set up some sort of academy to help newborn vampires adjust without risking humans. Well I suggested that. He just gave the okay. I hope we can talk with you all in case we need some advice about what to do?" I looked hopefully at the family.

Felix nudged me for attention. "Carlisle already promised to help. I asked him and he said he was quite thrilled that the Volturi was finally taking steps to change their ways." That would be a massive help.

"And that in just three months time. Let me be around them for a year and we'll see what I get done then." I joked.

"I will talk to Carlisle first. I'll let you know what we decide." Eleazar answered my question.

"That's fine. Have a nice evening." I greeted them before being whisked off for a dance. After, I felt him standing behind me. 

"May I steal her for a dance?" I heard a familiar voice ask my mate.

"Paul?" I turned around seeing my favorite shifter.

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