Chapter 32

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After making sure Charlie was resting peacefully and safely, Leona left the castle with Felix and Jasper. They ended up at the square she had found during her shopping trip and sat down. "How are you feeling?" Felix asked his mate.

"Confused about how Charlie even got here without the Cullens or the pack stopping him, worried about his safety, curious about what happened with Maylene and why you are here without pixie, and I want to explore my new abilities." She answered truthfully.

"No thirst at all?" Jasper asked trying to not use his gift believing his niece wouldn't lie.

"Felix fed me just after I woke up. I did feel an itch that went away after drinking but it wasn't the burning sensation you all described when I first met you." She explained

"Fascinating. You are an interesting newborn, Leona." He complimented her.

"Perhaps. So, who starts talking?" Straight to business.

"I will go first, about why I'm here and how Charlie got here." Jasper offered.

"Very well." She motioned for him to start talking.

"Alice and I broke up. We aren't true mates like Rosalie and Emmett or Carlisle and Esme are. I have this other personality called the Major. Usually he lies dormant in my head, but when the situation calls for it or if I lose complete control, he takes over. We didn't agree on being mates with Alice which was only more proof she wasn't our soulmate and we got a divorce two days after we had been put in our place for how we treated you. After the divorce, I visited Peter and Charlotte two friends of mine whom helped me escape from Maria's clutches. I went back to the human diet but with proper help to train my control this time. Which is part of why I am here.

After a few days, Charlie came over. Alice wasn't able to inform us in time as she was in Denali training not to use her gift and she didn't get the vision about Charlie's visit in time probably because wolves were around too. He had overheard Bella and Edward about you and how guilty Bella had felt for letting Alice decide to use you as their get-away card.

He demanded to know what was going on but we didn't know either as we hadn't heard from you whether through Bella or Alice or even the Volturi. Emmett and Rose got an earful from him for being such horrible friends for not keeping in touch. Apparently he had said that if they couldn't tell him what happened to you, he would find out himself, you may be considered an adult but he still worried about you as his daughter.

He informed Bella about going here and took a few days off from his job, and got on the plane the same time I did. Alice was able to get me a seat next to him so I could warn him about this place being somewhat dangerous and that there was a lot going on. I promised to help him find you but he had to promise he would let me talk to Aro first so I could tell Aro why he was here. And here we are."

"So you want to ask the Volturi for help in getting full control over your gift and thirst?" Felix asked

"Yes that, and because I wanted to tell you that we are family, Leona but explaining that can wait. Uhm my phone is constantly being called I think by the family, do you mind if I tell them we found you?" Jasper replied.

"No I don't mind, just don't tell them yet that I am a vampire now. It would only make them stress about Charlie more considering I am a newborn who probably can't control her thirst. Especially after I just woke up when Charlie arrived." Leona rolled her eyes.

"So just tell them that you are getting better after a nasty stomach-bug or something?" the blond male checked if she was okay with that idea.

"Yeah that's fine. We can talk about that other thing after Charlie goes home." Jasper left wishing Felix and I a goodnight.

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