Chapter 16

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Today I could go home too. Emmett and Rose had stuck with me spending the nights in the city and the days with me retraining my hands and legs again. "I'm proud of you, Leona. It must have been difficult to talk about your past in the army to Charlie." Rosalie said.

"It was. But after I felt so much lighter in my head, that I could sleep as long as I have." I replied. They took me home and in the days until prom, they sort of stuck to me like bodyguards over the couple of weeks I was healing.

"Uh guys, what are you doing?" I asked deciding to confront them while we were playing games again.

"Nothing, why?" They looked shifty to me.

"You seem to be acting like bodyguards. Why is that?" The look in my eyes showed I meant business.

"We are just concerned about you." Emmett replied.

"Well that's sweet of you but I'm fine. I promise." I assured them.

"We know, it's just that Carlisle wanted us to keep an eye on you because he wasn't sure if there were any traces left of James' venom. You already smell differently than normal humans do so it is hard to distinguish the difference." Jasper explained.

"So, you think I might experience some slight changes that I shouldn't, due to what James and what's-his-face did to me?" I asked.

"There is a chance of that happening yes." They nodded.

"Why didn't you just say so? Because it does explain a few things." That made them pause the game

"It does?" Now they looked concerned.

"Yes, the past few weeks I've had a few wtf moments." I didn't dare to actually use the F-word. 

"Like what?" They were taking this seriously.

"Hm, faster reflexes, sharper senses. That's about it." And that I had no problems with my hands anymore.

"Okay well if anything else comes up then please tell us." They said. I promised but there wasn't a lot that would happen for a while. I kept in touch with Aidan, the guy I had met in Phoenix and tried my best to finish the few classes I had. When I did, I made the deal with dad that I would take a few weeks for myself. Mostly because I had taken a liking to Aidan. He had met Charlie through skyping first. Then around eastern, he came over as a guest.

We spent a few days in Port Angeles and Seattle watching a movie, trying a few restaurants and just hanging out. I also began looking for my own place as I was able to get in a lot of colleges because of my background. I wanted to have a major in Engineering and decided to try for a school abroad after the little time off. Charlie understood but he was happy he still had some time with me and that I was still following my dream.

Aidan met Emmett and Jasper when they helped me with repairing the roof while the girls were out shopping. That did not go over too well. Emmet made sure I wouldn't fall in while Jasper was fixing the roof. Just when Aidan was coming over, did I fall. Emmett the dork caught me but forgot to balance himself and fell with me. He did take the blow of falling though.

Only when I sat up, he had to make a perverted joke about it. "I didn't know you wanted me this bad that you made us both fall. Maybe I should tell Rose about a possible threesome?" I swatted at him annoyed but with a hidden smile as it was kind of funny. He made that joke because I was straddling him when I sat up. We got up and I dusted myself off.

"Leona, what are you doing?" I heard a voice from behind.

"Oh, hi Aidan. You're early." I got up and greeted him with a hug. He reluctantly returned it.

"I got bored waiting for time to pass until our date. Who's this?" He asked sounding a little disinterested.

"This is Emmett, a good friend of mine and his brother Jasper is up on the roof. They are helping me fix the roof and the chimney." I introduced them.

"Then what was that about you straddling him?" Is he jealous?

"I fell off the roof and he caught me breaking my fall which had us end up that way you saw. However he has a bit of a perverted mind sometimes." Emmett held his hands up acting innocent.

"I see. So is there anything I can help with?" He asked surprising me.

"Hm? No. If I recall you told me you electrocuted yourself by changing a lightbulb so no thank you." I declined.

"Hey that was one time." Was he hiding embarrassment?

"One time too many."  I joked.

"Besides, I'm sure I can do a better job of keeping you safe while you're up there." He said. I doubted that.

"Fine. Proof it." He was just as bad as Emmett was with the occasional perverted joke. However, it didn't stick with jokes. "Aidan, stop touching me. Better yet, get away from me." I warned him.

"Sorry. You're just too tempting in those shorts. It is hard to resist you." He wasn't sorry at all though.

"That's all the more a reason to get off the roof. Go fetch me some coffee or something. I'll be down soon." Aidan left knowing I was seriously ticked. I finished with the chimney and Jasper had finished the roof so they left. It left me time to get ready for Prom. Something I don't really enjoy but was forced by Rose to go to. She even had gotten me a dress. 

It covered the scar that had been left on my back from that night with James. I had seen it and while I was okay with the scar, it was just so big that I was a bit nervous about letting it be seen by certain people at school and Aidan as well. He was my date to prom. Rose would help me get ready while Alice helped Bella.

"Don't worry about your scar, it barely peeks out from underneath your dress. The rest can be covered by this shawl and your hair. Trust me." she assured me.

"Okay Rose, just work your magic. I trust you." She smiled and did whatever. Once done and she let me see what she did in the mirror, I was amazed that this person was me. She had done my hair half up and half down the down part was all loose curls. The half up part was plaids put together in a braid on the back while that braid was left unfinished and the rest of it went down with the loose part. My make-up was done simply. Just a bit of it all. My dress was a long, lilac prom dress with a sweetheart neckline, it had beaded stones across the bodice and the skirt had a draped look to it. It was really nice actually.


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