Tragedy Revealed (I)

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"Master Ugo... Are you certain this would work?" A magician asked his leader as he organized the papers in which Ugo was working on.

"It has to. For him, for Wahid, for Falan, and everyone else." Ugo said with no confidence at all. He has confidence on his magic, but he had no confidence on himself

"But he's been like this for seven long years. Asleep, almost like dead..."

"He isn't dead! His body aged along with those seven years. We just have to wake him up. We'll soon be taking Aladdin back home and I want him to be welcomed by his brother at least"

"But what if he finds out about his mother and then he'd turn against us as well?"

"I just want him to wake up. I'm sorry it took me so long, but with this magic formula, You'll wake up. And then we'd figure things out with Aladdin"

With that, Ugo summoned all the council and asked for their assistance. If Solomon were still there he could have done this magic alone, but since he's not, many magicians have to do it.

Ugo closed his eyes as memories of their struggle seven years ago flashed before him. He remembers everything. Every last bit of it.


"King Solomon! We're under attack!"

"Everyone gather your staves and armors. Prepare for battle. Wahid lead the army on the west! Setta and Falan, take the east and north."


"I'll go face the south. Ithnan, Sheba, go and evacuate everyone. Make sure everyone's safe"


"Ugo. Stay here and unlock the passage to the undergrounds. Citizens will be safe there. Also, make sure the barriers last as long as you can"

"I will"

All magicians and soldiers rushed to their assigned places to fend of the attackers. The Kou Empire. Few years passed since Solomon took Sheba from Kou when she was about to be hanged for killing the prince. Then Gyokuen, wife of Hakutoku died after and the king blamed Solomon of murdering her.

Kou was just a kingdom back then but after the death of two royals, they strived to become stronger. They conquered other kingdoms and grew to an empire.

Now they waged war against Alma Torran. The attack was led by Hakutoku himself along with two of his sons.

'I'm sorry, everyone. I led us to this' Solomon thought as he rushed to his comrades. Ready for battle since they were attacked from all around.

The battle went on but Alma Torran was in favor. Right now Solomon came face to face with Hakutoku and his son. The kou royals' eyes were burning from rage, hungry for vengeance as they looked at Solomon. Just the four of them there.

"You. A very lame excuse of a king! A criminal. A murderer. But nothing's to be surprised about, you are like your father!" Hakutoku shouted in rage

Hakutoku along with his sons launched themselves at Solomon only to be stopped by his borg.

"That girl killed my brother and you protected her! Then you killed my wife! King Solomon, you're a monster, a purely evil creature who walked this planet"

Before the three could attack again, Solomon held up his hands and his forehead began to glow revealing an eight pointed star. "You are all fully aware the rukh does not lie. Let me show you. Hakutoku, Hakuren, Hakuyuu, you are mistaken..."

The three royals of Kou were surrounded by rukh and an image appeared before them. It showed a servant putting poison to the previous third prince's drink without Sheba knowing. Then it started to change.

Now it was an image of Gyokuen. She was at her room when she came face to face with a certain figure. A woman. Who, with her magic, killed her without even a second thought. Hakutoku gasped at the scene as he tried to reach out for his wife. "Gyokuen!" She shouted as he ran but stopped, shocked at what he saw. The murderer appeared to be his current wife. Arba.

"Mother?!" The two young princes asked in shock. Arba appeared to be so nice, kind, and pure hearted. No way... They thought.

Hakutoku clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. "That witch..." Hakutoku said. The two boys turned to their father. "I welcomed her to Kou after helping me of thinking how to kill Solomon. She comforted me when Gyokuen died. I loved her. I even allowed her to use Gyokuen's name. The real enemy, is Arba..."

The light faded and white rukh scattered around them. This was the time when Wahid showed up and saw the emperor and princes kneeling on the ground with tears in their eyes.

"We won. We suppressed the attack. But there are wounded and few deaths" Wahid said and placed a hand on Solomon's shoulder.

"We captured other Kou soldiers, none have escaped but others died as well." Upon hearing these words Hakutoku stood up, and with his confusion, he attacked Solomon only to be pushed back with magic.

Suddenly a lightning struck near them. The sky went dark and thick clouds covered the sun. The whole place was as dark as night. Everyone looked up only to see a swirling smoke above them. Wind started to blow stronger that can even knock down a big tree. Solomon and Wahid were separated from the royals but that wasn't their priority.

They headed back to the palace and saw that everyone else were gathered there. Some citizens were not yet evacuated.

"Tess! Why are you still here aru?!" Falan shouted as she went to her son.

"Mama, papa,  let's go with the others! That thing is scary" Tess said as he hugged his parents tighter.

"Does Kou have something to do with this?" -Setta

"I can feel... impurity. Black rukh..." - Sheba

"Sheba?! And why is Aladdin still here?!" Solomon was furious. Tess and Aladdin should have been evacuated by now.

"I never expected that Kou would pull off something like this. We defeated their soldiers already" - Sheba

"Look above! There's something coming out from the center!" - Ithnan

"What is that?!" - Wahid

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