"We've Returned"

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With Aladdin:

"It's you..." Arba was beyond shocked at the person in front of her. "Tsk. So David wasn't able to kill you after all. How lame". Arba was disgusted, seeing this person stand before her.

"I... I-I thought you were dead..." Aladdin was confused, he could definitely see that it was a real person in front of him and not an illusion or a form of other magic. It was real.

The person turned to see if Aladdin was alright but didn't respond. Then turned to Arba once more and frowned at her. "What have you done, Arba? Were you not satisfied by what you've done years ago?! How long will you hold on to Illah!?

"I will never be satisfied as long as this place exists. I will use your son and he will bring me to Illah. Everything will go back to him, all rukh belongs to Illah and so I will destroy this world! This useless world!"

"I pity you, Arba. But just like back then, I will put a stop to whatever you are scheming"

Arba raised her brow and rolled her eyes. 'I never predicted this to happen, but since I am here, I won't back down' she thought.

"Well then, 'KING' Solomon, now that you've returned, let's see you protect your people, the people who hates you and turned their backs on you, for the nth time."

"Aladdin" Solomon turned to look at his son. Aladdin waited for what the king has to say but Solomon just shook his head and faced forward.

With her full force of magic, Arba attacked Solomon but he changed its trajectory. Arba gathered the black rukh and focused it into one powerful attack. Solomon was actually pushed back but still dispersed spell after spell.

Their battle was going no where since Arba had no limit in the rukh she uses and Solomon is untouchable, given his nature of magic.

These dragged on for a while until one spell caught Solomon off guard.

"Borg Al-Samm!"

Solomon was taken off guard. The attack was blocked of by his borg since he did nothing to stop it. He stood still, in shock. "What... " He looked at Arba in confusion and then he saw something that made his heart almost crumble. Sheba's staff. "W-why do you have it... "

Arba rose her brow and looked at what Solomon was staring at. 'Her' staff. The staff she stole.

Arba smirked at what she sees before her. 'Solomon always had a weak soul' she thought. "Didn't you know what happened? HaHaHa! How pitiful!"

Solomon snapped out of his train of thoughts and was ready to put an end to this all. To put an end on Arba but she used the opportunity to escape. Solomon stood still and made sure that Arba wasn't really there. That her rukh isn't no where near him... And his son.

He didn't know what to do and he hadn't spoken a single word. He didn't know what to say either. He closed his eyes and breathed, then he turned to see his son.

Aladdin was staring back at him, with no expression whatsoever. Aladdin didn't know how and what to feel as well.

'What do I do?' Aladdin thought. The little boy glanced and looked around the room, trying his best to avoid eye contact with the man in front of him.

Solomon was no better, really. He just stood there and stared, contemplating on what to say exactly.

He opened his mouth and was about to say something when...

"Solomon!" Wahid was approaching. He carried the unconscious Falan in his arms with Tess right behind them.

Tess went straight to Aladdin and hugged him, then checked if he was wounded. "Are you alright?!" Tess didn't mean to raise his voice but he was on panic. 'Wait... '

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