From Kou to Sindria

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Aladdin has been wandering around Kou for a few days now. He never encountered the 'rude' young lady again. He was riding his turban, looking down at the harsh place.

"I suddenly felt irritated and now I know why... What's up with your rukh, chibbi" A man with red eyes and black hair dressed in the same color of his clothes said as he approached Aladdin.

Aladdin immediately stood up, his rukh was black and he felt something bad about that person.

"I thought the old witch was just bluffing but there really is something off, it's you"

"Who are you mister?" Asked Aladdin but he didn't he let his guard down. He gripped his flute tighter.

"Me? Well this isn't a face you just see anywhere. I'm Judar, one of the chosen people to be a magi seven years ago." Judar proudly introduced himself. He, without warning attacked Aladdin with his ice magic.

Aladdin didn't have time to dodge but he was protected by his borg.

"You're weird. You seem to be like a magi but again, you don't" Judar said as he continued to combine spells and aimed it Aladdin. The little boy tried to dodge but he was still hit.

With continuous attacks from Judar who had refined skills in magic, Aladdin's borg broke. He never really had learned much magic. He only read few books too since there are not much magic books in the orphanage.

"End of the line chibbi" Judar said as he gathered water and made a glacier-like. He used his wand and directed to the now vulnerable Aladdin.

As the ice approached Aladdin, the crescent jewel glowed brightly for the very first time.

Both Aladdin and Judar closed their eyes at the brightness and when the glow stopped, the boys were as shocked as the other.

A huge powerful borg protected Aladdin. They saw small particles of ice glistening at the sky. "What?" Aladdin was so confused since he knows that it wasn't his borg.

"My ice shattered..." Judar became angry and once more, attacked Aladdin continuously but all his spells shattered as soon as it touched the borg. "What the heck is that borg? You're not playing fair, chibbi!"

With that, dragon heads suddenly appeared from the borg and hit judar. At first hit, his borg started to crack and after the second, his borg broke, injuring him badly. Judar fell but was saved by magicians who covered their faces. They took him away.

The borg disappeared when the threat has passed

"My, my, that's something you don't get to see everyday" A voice from behind Aladdin said. The boy turned around and saw a magician with a veil covering the face.

There was something about the person that made Aladdin nervous and scared. His heart pounded louder and his rukh became restless which was noticed by the one before him. The magician tried to seize Aladdin but he got away.

He is now in the outskirts of Kou. He was catching his breath. He never knew he could do such offensive magic using his borg. It felt strange though, since he had a strong feeling that it wasn't him. 'Black rukh? I've read about it and it does feel so negative. Why are their rukh black? And that magician... He seemed to know the borg.' Aladdin was so confused. So much had happened ever since he left the orphanage.

He found himself wandering in the sky. He left Kou since and headed to the ocean. He was just in his turban, floating until he saw an island from a distance. It was quite small and seemed like a bad spot to live in since many sea creatures live near it.

He flew there and settled in a crowded street. Many people were walking by and unlike Kou, no one were in chains and this made Aladdin smile. He started to walk around and saw delicious fruits. He stared at it and didn't notice that he was drooling. The owner saw this and handed the little boy an apple

"Here, boy. You want some, right? They're delicious" the man said and smiled at the little boy.

Aladdin took the apple and thanked the man. He continued walking in the streets of Sindria.

At the same time, a light blue haired woman along with a silver haired man argued in the streets. "You just had to drag me along with you. I couldn't care less about your magic tools!" The man complained

"Oh yeah?! You're the reason my ingredients were spilled! The least you could do is help me look!" The woman dragged her companion inside a shop but quickly left since the ones she needed aren't even there.

"I didn't spill your stupid potion. If you had just accepted that swords are better than your magic then that never would have happened!"

"Stop talking baldy!"

"I'm not bald, stupid magician!"

They started bickering again, pushing and insulting each other like children when the man stopped. The woman followed her companion's gaze and saw a beautiful woman. She looked at the man who still was staring at the woman and with her staff, she hit him in the head. "Jerk!" She shouted at him and walked away.

The man ran after her and saw that she stopped. "Your waiting for me after all. Guess... Mmmpphhhhh!"

Before the man could continue what he was saying, she covered his mouth. "Shut up" she said, almost whispering as she looked at the blue haired boy who was passing by.

"Strange... The rukh around him..." The woman said as she approached the little boy.

"Hey, little boy, you don't seem from around here. Who are you with?" The woman asked.

"Hi miss. I'm alone, travelling! My name's Aladdin!" The boy cheerfully introduced himself.

"And I'm Yamuraiha, nice to meet you" the woman told the boy her name with a gentle voice. She was smiling. She looked like an angel.

But Aladdin has his sights on other things. Her breasts. Aladdin ran to the woman and hugged her, or shall I say, more like groped her breasts. "Nice to meet you miss!"

"S-stop. That tickles" Yamuraiha was ticklish but she soon snapped out of it and casted a spell. "Stop it you perverted brat!" She shouted as she let steam out of Aladdin's body. "I thought you were someone special but no, your just a perverted brat."

"Heh-heh. Don't mess with an old single lady" the man interrupted as he knelt down and messed the boy's hair. "I'm Sharrkan by the way".

"The miss seemed so nice, but no, she isn't" Aladdin whispered to Sharrkan but Yamraiha still heard it.

"Who you calling old. Idiot swordsman"

"Oh yeah. You stupid magician"

They started bickering once more until Aladdin spoke.

"You're a magician? Miss?"

Yamraiha turned to the boy and his eyes were sparkling as if he had a new discovery.

"Yes. And you are too, right?"

"I don't know. I don't even know what magic is. I read spells on books but I never really applied it"

"Magic is a formula made to convert magoi into an attack"

"Wow miss. You really know a lot! Can you please teach me!"

"S-sure. Why don't you come with us to the palace."

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