Kou Palace

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The day has come for the guests to leave and Aladdin has decided on his next move. Although he isn't a master of magic yet, but he really wanted to go to Kou. That country felt so weird for him.

----------------Few Days Ago-----------------

"Miss Kougyoku?" Aladdin said as he approached the princess who was sitting in the garden. She was surrounded by so many servants and guards. It was like she is always in danger.

The princess looked at the boy and then sent everyone away. Everyone refused at first but eventually, they gave in and left. She sighed heavily, it was as if she put down a very heavy load that she was carrying.

"What is it? Came here to say how my make up is so thick again?"

Aladdin looked down. He was sorry for saying that and he felt even worse to hear that from the princess. He didn't really want offending people.

The princess realized this and laughed which made the little boy look at her in confusion. "I was joking kid"

She sat down on the grass and stared at her hand. She smiled and blushed. It was the hand that King Sinbad kissed.

The little boy took a sit beside her and noticed that the princess' rukh has changed to pink once more. "Miss Kougyoku? Your rukh is pink and seems uneasy. Are you well?"

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"I don't know. Usually the rukh is white but yours turned pink. As pink as cheeks right now"

"H-hey! Don't say that out loud! Someone might hear you"

"Do you like King Sinbad?"

"H-huh?! What are you talking about, brat?"

"King Sinbad is really nice and many women surrounds him. Everyone loves him."

The princess sighed and looked down. "And I'm just one of the bunch, even in my status. No one will ever love me. Not my father, brothers, sisters, I don't even have friends."

"Eh? But your a princess right? Everyone should love to be with you and be friends with you."

"Well... That is the case for my brothers. But for me, I'm just a low born. Daughter of a prostitute who has no rights. My brothers have bonds between them and Hakuryuu and Hakuei are really close. I'm just on the sidelines"

"Eh? Then why have you come with Hakuryuu?"

"Honestly I just came here to get away from the palace. Too much stuff happening. Also, I wanted to meet king Sinbad."

"What's happening in the palace onee-san? Don't you like it there?"

Kougyoku looked at the boy and smiled warmly. That was the first. "You needn't worry about the palace and me. I don't really like it when someone pity's me."

"I dont!" The boy smiled. "You're tough and brave. You even stood up for the boy back then even if your ruling system was harsh. Now I understood what you said back then, that that's how Kou works"

"But understanding is different from accepting. You don't accept it, right? Aladdin?"

"I don't. You don't seem to accept it yourself, Kougyoku onee san"

"Yeah..." Kougyoku stood up and dusted her dress. "Well, I guess I have to prepare. We're leaving soon."

"Onee san?"


"You feel lonely, don't you?"


"I'll keep you company! That way, you don't have to be alone anymore!" Aladdin suggested.

The princess rose her brow "That reminds me. You wanted to meet the royal family of Kou. Are you using me to be able to get to know them?"

"You are one of them already. But you seemed so lonely and I wanted to help. I will never use anyone for my own purpose." The boy looked down.

Kougyoku smiled at the cute state the boy was in. "Alright" she said calmly. "I guess I won't mind having someone to talk to in that place"


"But don't be a brat! And also..." Kougyoku's expression changed. "You must endure the things you'll see like servants and slaves. Don't act rashly. Understood?"


------------Back To Current Time----------

"Bye, Alibaba, Mor-san! We'll meet again soon!" The little boy shouted as the ship he was in, set sailed. The princess and prince were behind him, waving goodbye to the others.

Aladdin noticed that all of them became closer friends. When they were still saying their goodbyes he noticed that the siblings were surrounded by pink rukh. Hakuryuu developed a crush on Morgiana and Kougyoku really admired Sinbad.

Finally, he will be able to go to Kou. He really wanted to help the princess too. And that's his priority right now. Kougyoku didn't bother to ask Hakuryuu or tell her family ahead of time that she'll be bringing a guest with her. It just didn't matter since they have their own lives at the palace. Her brother Kouha brought with him a bunch of outcasts and it wasn't a big deal. Bringing a boy won't be a big deal too. At least that's what she thought.

After days of sailing they finally arrived at Kou which they were welcomed by so many guards servants. Aladdin was just behind Kougyoku as she had instructed him

Servants were staring at Aladdin but they didn't dare ask a question. Hakuryuu and Kougyoku went on separate ways for their chambers are of different wings.

"Who is he, princess?" A man named Ka Koubun asked.

"A guest. Treat him accordingly and fix the room closest to mine". Kougyoku might have low ranks but she knew Kou pretty well. It's dangerous for a kid to even just be in the palace where many dark monsters stay. She knew that Aladdin is a magician and had told her that Yamuraiha sensed him differently.

Many magicians are at Kou and Kougyoku wouldn't risk the boy's life if they somehow took an interest on Aladdin. She is responsible for the boy and is determined to protect him from the darkness lurking around the palace.

Meanwhile, in the western part of the palace where the three princes were:

"Your majesties, prince Hakuryuu and and princess Kougyoku just arrived." A servant informed the three royal princes.

"Are they well?" The eldest prince Kouen, asked.

"Yes your majesty"

"Did Kougyoku bring me any presents?" The youngest, prince Kouha, asked with glittering and hopeful eyes.

"How could she know that?" prince Koumei, the second imperial prince, said.

"I'm afraid I don't know my prince. But the princess brought with her a guest and wanted to let him stay. The princess appears to be fond of him" the servant informed them

"Guest?" - Koumei

"Kougyoku never brought anyone. This is the first time" - Kouha

"It's her business. Don't stick your noses to where it does not belong" - Kouen

"Really? Your nose doesn't belong to Alma Torran too, you know" - Kouha

"I'm studying. I'm trying to discover the secrets they kept. I'm sure they have something to do with ten years ago. And also, their tragic fate 7 years ago." - Kouen

"You know a lot. I wonder who Kougyoku's guest is. Guess I'll go check on her later." - Kouha

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