Healing Scars

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Two weeks passed and everyone was busy rebuilding houses and buildings that were destroyed. Solomon accepted everyone who rebelled against him once more.

In a sense, no one was at fault. Not the rebels nor Solomon. They were all victims of the Arba and David.

The families who disappeared explained what exactly happened with Solomon when they went missing. All misunderstandings were cleared up but it wasn't easy to adjust. Some couldn't still let go of the hate that was built up for seven years. Some felt guilty and couldn't forgive themselves, some has accepted it. Though this may be the case, Solomon had a public speech, apologizing to everyone about everything and his intention to accept all who wants to stay at Alma Torran. To make others better, he also said that he accepted all their apologies and that they should not worry.

Ithnan stayed in the kingdom and helped with it's reconstruction. Even back then, he really could not betray Solomon totally. He was always having second thoughts on his actions so it was easier for him stay. He and Ugo were back to their arguments like nothing happened. As for Solomon, they weren't talking at first but little by little, their relationship improved.

As for Falan, she still needed time. She was full of hatred for a very long time so she had to take a breather. She, Wahid and Tess went away for a while and hasn't come back yet. Falan needed time with her family and she also needed time to forgive herself because no matter what her friends told her, she still couldn't let go. She killed and manipulated and destroyed her home. She really needed to think first.

And, for Solomon and Aladdin, they haven't talked after the little boy cried. Aladdin always stayed with Ugo and Solomon was always away to oversee the kingdom and help in rebuilding.

This has carried on for an entire month.

"Where's Solomon?" Falan asked.

They came back a few days ago.

"He went out to check the rebuilding" - Ithnan

"Like, the whole kingdom aru?" - Falan

"He just needs time. Who wouldn't be when for seven years he expected to come back to Sheba and their son only to find out that Sheba is dead and Aladdin doesn't even call him father" - Wahid

"Aladdin just doesn't know how to address him" - Ugo

"If Sheba were here, this'll all be resolved" - Setta

With Solomon:

He was standing at a certain place. A cliff to be exact as he stared at the horizon.

'What should I do?' He thought.

He sat down below the tree that had been there for years. He leaned back and closed his eyes as he rested there. He let his thoughts go as it is and landed on a certain lady with pink hair. "Sheba..." He mumbled to himself.

Solomon sighed as he felt his heart ache at what he remembered. 'Why do I feel like I deserve to be left by you?' He thought. "Have I left you too? At one time of my life, have I left you alone as well? Because I really feel like I got what I did" Solomon talked softly like Sheba was listening.

"I really thought you were with Aladdin. I thought that at least you got to raise him into who he is right now. I thought that once I've returned, we'd be able to be like we were before. I guess I wanted too much"

"But what am I going to do, Sheba? I don't know how to handle this situation. I don't know what to say to Aladdin. I can't talk to him... "


"Aladdin!" Tess came running and knocking at the room Aladdin is staying. Let's go eat! I really missed uncle Settas cooking.

Aladdin opened the door and came out with shimmering eyes. "Uncle Setta cooks food too?!"

Aladdin and Setta became really close. Of course that'd happen. Setta loves cooking and Aladdin loves eating. Just like his mother.

"Of course! He never cooked for the past month?" Tess asked

"He just made me snacks but they were all too busy to even cook and have meals all together."

"Well that can't be helped. But papa doesn't want that. So we are all eating together. He said it'd be more fun that way. So let's go"

The two boys walked in the hallways to the kitchen and while they were on their way, Aladdin spoke.

"Uncle Wahid is so cool. He's really upbeat and nothing could bring his mood down"

"Uncle Solomon's cool as well. He's really strong."

"I guess so too. King Solomon is cool"

Tess took note of how Aladdin addressed his father but he didn't know what to say to his little brother as well. He didn't know how Aladdin felt and could not sympathise since he had a really good relationship with his parents.

"Let's go! Last one to arrive at the dining gets less food!" Tess challenged as to cheer Aladdin up. The two little boys raced.

They arrived and everyone was there. All except Solomon. He hasn't come back yet.

"I see, you both still have the habit of running and playing around the hallways" - Ithnan said as he stopped making fun of a certain gem stone.

"Habit?" Aladdin tilted his head as he asked in confusion.

"You were just brats back then, I'm not surprised you don't remember. Come to think of it, did you know your origins when you were away?" Wahid asked.

Whack! Falan hit Wahid in the head. "That's, like, not how you adress a kid, aru!"

"That hurts, woman!" Wahid complained.

Tess went to sit beside his mother and Aladdin climbed on the chair on Tess' other side. "I don't remember anything" Aladdin responded to Wahid's question.

"I've had recent dreams on King Solomon and Queen Sheba but that's it. I didn't have any memories." - Aladdin

"You were just more than a year old. It's natural to not remember, and you've been through a lot." - Setta

"You used to run and play a lot, back then with Tess. You didn't even want to sleep most of the time" - Ithnan

"Yeah! And then the maids would chase us but the one who always catches us is uncle Ithnan!  Then he'd tuck us to bed! And then I'd say he's the best and you'd copy what I say!" - Tess

The adults laughed at the memory. They were always little trouble makers back in the time. Solomon then entered with a smile in his face. He heard what they were talking about and it made his day better.

"How's the situation?" Ugo asked.

"Everything has been secured. All were restored, even the barriers. Nothing out of the ordinary. Everything is back to what is used to be" Solomon responded.

"Hey! Solomon we're back!" Wahid shouted as Solomon was nearing the table.

"I can see that" Solomon then walked pass Tess and tapped him on the shoulder. "Welcome back Tess."

Tess grinned at his uncle and nodded. "I missed you too, uncle!"

Solomon then glanced at Falan. "Welcome back, Falan" he greeted.

"Yes. Thanks... I guess I'm really back now, aru" Falan looked at Solomon and smiled. They had been friends for too long. Longer than seven years.

Solomon sat beside Aladdin.

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