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Tess and Aladdin arrived at a small town where they could get a ride to go to the capital. They decided to go look around for a while and they are currently in front of a certain stall.

"You want one?" Tess asked as he looked at the boy beside him. Aladdin's eyes were sparkling as he was staring at the watermelon displayed. His mouth was also watering.

"No...." Aladdin murmured.

"Really?" Tess asked once more, convinced that the little boy really wants it but was holding back.

"Yes, big brother. I really am just fi...." But before Aladdin could finish his statement, his stomach began to grumble. He smiled innocently at Tess. "I think I was wrong... I'm hungry"

Tess laughed at the boy and went to buy fruits. He gave them to Aladdin and watched as the little boy devoured the watermelon.

'Strange... Why does this boy seem familiar. He looks like someone I know. I forgot what uncle Ugo said. Maybe I have met him before I fell in asleep' Tess was lost in thought. Because of the magic that put him in coma, his memories were in shambles. Even though lately he remembered some of his past, there are still some unknown fragments.

"Big brother? Are you alright?" It was Aladdin's voice that brought Tess back to reality. He smiled warmly and ruffled the boy's hair.

"Let's go. I have to get back as soon as possible" Tess picked up his things and went to look for transportation.

"Your name is Ali, right?" Tess asked

"Sorry big brother. I lied, my name is actually Aladdin"

Suddenly Tess' head began to ache as he heard voices calling out to the name Aladdin. He stared at the boy and asked "Have we met before? Is there any chance that you remember seeing me?"

Aladdin shook his head.

"Ah. Alright. Then, why are you travelling? Where are your parents?"

"I have none. I'm an orphan. What about you big brother? Are you travelling too?"

"That's right. I missed seven years of my life and a lot happened then. You can say that I travelled to know how the world revolves this time"

"Lost seven years?"

"I was asleep for seven years. I woke up thanks to my uncle"

"That's great then. I also noticed that big brother is a magician."

"Is it surprising? This place is mostly filled with magician"

"This place"


"Big brother.... Where is... This place?" Aladdin scratched the back of his head. Judar was the one who brought him here. He doesn't know where 'here' is.

"What?! You mean to tell me you came here without knowing?! Wait... Normally, it is hard to enter this kingdom so travelers are not common yet here you are."

"It's hard to enter this kingdom? Why?"

"Aladdin, this kingdom is called 'Alma Torran', the kingdom who doesn't let just anyone in and is very wary of the outside world"

"We're really here at Alma Torran?! The... The... The fallen kingdom?"

"What do you mean by fallen kingdom?"

"It's what they call it. Because of an incident."

Before Tess could respond, the couch men announced that they have arrived.

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