Between Kingdoms And Empires

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It has been two days since Solomon and the others arrived at Sindria and it was the final day of their negotiations. The past two days had a light atmosphere but now, due to a certain topic, it has become quite tense.

"Lastly, king Solomon. I'd like to know what you think about Al Thamen and its members" Sinbad asked.

Solomon quickly understood what Sinbad was implying. He was asking about Ithnan and Falan of course.

"I, as their close friend apologize for all the chaos they caused. Not just you but to every kingdom they destroyed. But I can't turn back the past and I can't revive the dead. What I can do is to help in rebuilding and offer certainty to peace" Solomon declared.

"I can ask you the same thing, king Sinbad. What do you think of the Kou empire?" It was now Solomon's turn to ask

"They are a part of this world, one of the many kingdom that could shake or make the peace of this world. They have quite a lot of household vessel in that empire." David defended.

Solomon just nodded and offered his hand for the other king to shake. The two shook hands and concluded their meeting. Sinbad offered for them to stay a while which they gladly accepted. They were also made aware that someone from Kou was coming.

Solomon also invited the King and his generals for a festival with an important announcement back at Alma Torran for the next month.


It was already afternoon when the envoys from Kou came. Aladdin went to look if a certain someone was there as well so he waited.

Patiently, he waited and waited. One luggage after the other being disembarked. And finally, it was the envoys themselves.

"The third imperial prince, prince Ren Kouha!, the fourth imperial prince, prince Ren Hakuryuu, the eighth imperial princess, princess Ren Kougyoku, and high priest Judar of the Kou Empire."

They all came out of the ship with almost like ten each servants that followed them. Due to the alliance that was being processed between Kou and Sindria, they were all sent there to negotiate and also, to put Sindria at ease.

Upon seeing Kougyoku, he jumped with joy and started waving his hand profusely. "Miss! Miss Kougyoku!"

Kougyoku heard this familiar voice and looked for Aladdin. She spotted him and then sighed. "So, you're here again as well" she said calmly. She tried her best to stay indifferent but deep inside, she was so glad to see a familiar face.

"Hey! It's the chibbi!" Judar shouted as he pointed at Aladdin.

"Hi Judar" he greeted him, along with the two princes. They all rode together towards the palace of Sinbad, trying to catch up.

It turns out that Kougyoku had no memory of the day of invasion, nor her closeness with Arba. And it was best that way.


On the next day, Solomon decided to go check on the Kingdom with Aladdin. Wahid stayed and slept in while Ugo was helping Yamraiha in developing an even stronger barrier for Sindria.

The father and son duo left early and were now in the busy streets of Sindria. And of course, it was awkward. "Is there something you want to eat" Solomon asked.

Aladdin looked around and saw his favorite. "Watermelon please" he said with a grin.

The two bought some fruits, Aladdin, some water melon and Solomon, some apples.

Solomon observed Aladdin chowing down two... Now three... And now four watermelons quickly. He smiled and laughed at the sight. "You eat like your mom. This is why I told her not to eat much when she was pregnant", Solomon teased.

"Maybe she ate a lot because she was eating for me too"

"That's what she said"

The two ate and went on their way. They heard people talking about a mysterious book shop that recently opened so being the bookworms that they are, they had to check it out.

The chimes sounded as they entered the shop. Few people were there but books were everywhere.

"D-dad" Aladdin called out almost in a whisper but Solomon still heard it. "What kind of books do you read?"

"Everything" Solomon simply replied.

"O-oh" was all Aladdin could say.

The two walked around the whole shop. After this Aladdin had three books but Solomon took none. "I've read all the books here. Nothing new"

Aladdin was astonished at what his father said. Solomon saw the shock on his sons face and smiled. He placed his hand on his head and said "I'll show you all the great books when we get back"

"You'll read them to me?" Aladdin asked with hope in his eyes.

"Sure, son"

After finishing their book shopping, they were on their way back when Aladdin suddenly stopped. Solomon followed his son's gaze and when he saw what his son was looking at, he furrowed his brows, displeased.

"Alibaba took me to something like this once. When we were at Balbadd." Aladdin explained.

"Wait what?! Who did?" Solomon was shocked to hear this revelation. He saw and knew that his son was quite fond of soft ladies but going to a red light district was certainly unheard of.

"Alibaba. My friend. And when I went here, King Sinbad brought us here too"

The life out of Solomon was drained as he heard what his son had to say. "You mean to tell me that King Sinbad brought two young boys in a red light district?" Solomon was having a hard time comprehending things. His own son, in a red light district. He really hated himself even more for being gone for seven years.

"Aladdin" Solomon called out as he knelt to his sons level and placed his hands on the young boy's shoulder. "Promise me, even if they forced or dared you to go back, don't. Alright?"

"But why? The ladies there were very kind too."

Solomon was running out of words and he didn't even say much. He thought hard on what to say and thankfully, with the help of a pink cloth that hanged outside a window near them, he had an idea. "Because your mother wouldn't like it. She'd be really sad if you go"

Aladdin thought about it for a while before agreeing with his father

Solomon let out a sigh of relief. At least he was able to save his son. 'I don't think it would be a good idea for Aladdin to interact much with this womanizer of the seven seas, he thought, as he planned to tell his comrades to prepare to leave as soon as they get back to the palace.

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