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"Aladdin... Aladdin... Wake up Aladdin. Your father is waiting for us."

"Is he still asleep?"

"Solomon? I didn't notice you there."

"I came to check on you. You were taking too long"

"It was just ten minutes"

"That's long enough"

The woman with pink hair smiled at her husband and then turned to her one and a half year old child. "Well... Look at him"

Solomon went to the crib where his son was sleeping. He was filled with joy at the sight of his son. "You could have just carried him, Sheba"

"But I don't want to ruin his sleep. Just look at him Solomon... Isn't he the cutest?"

"He is. After all, he is our son. Let's let him sleep for now"

The couple left the room and headed where everyone else is, the dining room. They were still by the door when the two already heard their friends. One complaining about the food, two arguing, one lecturing, and one yawning.

"I'm starving! Bring me the whole pan, will you." - Wahid

"You're so fat already, Wahid." - Setta

"What's that piece of junk?" - Ithnan

"It's not junk! This is my new magic tool! As long as you have this with you, gravity magic is far easier!" - Ugo

"Whatever. All magicians can use gravity magic. It's one of the simplest. Who'd need that anyways" - Ithnan

"Eat your food, Tess. I don't want you being sick just because you didn't eat aru" - Falan

"But mommy, I wanna go play!" - Tess

"No. You may not aru. Eat your food first aru" - Falan

Solomon and Sheba laughed upon hearing their friends talk and then entered the hall. "Good morning, everyone!" Sheba happily greeted and everyone stood up. They bowed before their king and queen and greeted them a good morning.

Everyone sat down and ate.

"Aunt Sheba, where's Aladdin?" Tess asked, noticing that his 'little brother' is not with them.

"I'm sorry Tess, but Aladdin is still deep in his sleep. Maybe later, okay?" Sheba replied.

"Okay..." Tess pouted but agreed with his aunt. He really wanted to play already.

Since Aladdin is one and a half years old, the two little boys loved running around the palace. The prince's speech was also advanced for his age. He was really bright.

After breakfast, everyone dispersed and did their own tasks. Alma Torran's territory was so large that it wasn't enough for just few people to monitor it. The kingdom was flourishing and was one of the richest kingdom there is.

Alma Torran is best known for its different races of citizens and most of all, it's history and ruler. Also, it's popular for being a slave free country which do not tolerate discrimination. No one in this place is truly rich or poor for everyone helps each other. The citizens share their rulers ideals which made peace possible.

Others may have more than the others but it isn't a reason to be abusive and think that they are superior to others. The palace makes sure that this is the case. The law is strict but just.

The citizens however, had not yet been presented their prince. They have decided to present prince Aladdin in his second birthday and everyone was looking forward to this. Not even the prince's name was known. It was a surprise from the royal family to their people.

Right now, the little prince with his big brother is dashing through the hallway. Passing through guards and maids and running from their servants who was begging them to stop running for they may slip and fall.

"Catch us!" The little blue haired boy shouted in glee. He was clearly enjoying the chase. Tess casted a spell to make the two of them float and get away faster.

"C'mon Aladdin! Before someone else catches us! We were supposed to be in bed now."

The two were laughing while running when suddenly they bumped into a man. They rubbed their foreheads and looked up only to see a man with green hair who was looking at them in a questioning manner.

"Prince Aladdin, Tess, I'm pretty sure you should be in your rooms and not here in the hallway." He had his arms crossed and was waiting for the little boys' reply.

The little blue haired boy smiled and went to the man, tugging his robe. He had his hands up, wanting his uncle to pick him up. "Uncle..." The boy said.

"Uncle Ithnan is mad, Aladdin. Don't act all innocent with me." Ithnan said as he picked the little boy up and carried him.

"I know" Aladdin said as he rested his small head in Ithnan's shoulder. The little boy yawned. Finally, he was sleepy and all Ithnan could do was sigh, and smile. He looked at Tess and extended his arm. Tess held Ithnan's hand as they walked through the hallway and head to their bedroom.

"I'm still telling both your parents what you two boys did" Ithnan said

"But uncle?" Tess looked at Ithnan with pleading eyes and so did Aladdin. They looked like they were about to cry and Ithnan had a soft spot with his nephews.

*Sigh* "Fine. But don't do it again. Or else, your mothers would be the one to deal with you the next time". Ithnan said, defeated. He could never say no this cute little boys.

"Yay! Thank you uncle! You're the best!" Tess said, almost jumping with joy. He didn't want to be scolded by two scary mothers. It was such a relief.

"You're the best!" Aladdin copied Tess which made the two other laugh at the little boy.

"I know." Ithnan was proud to have been called the 'best' from his two nephews. He looked so smug with the smile that crossed his face.

Ithnan tucked them to bed and left. He apologized to the boys' servants and informed them that they were now asleep.

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