A Story To Tell

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     Everything in Alma Torran was fixed. All establishments and businesses were back now. All people have settled down and is starting to restart in their lives. Some people had a hard time and some had already adjusted to the new life, but everyone helped each other.

Solomon and the others who had been stuck for seven were fascinated and they caught up with the changes.

Now, it is time to boost the morale of the people. Ugo is still the governor up until now. There is still no king and people have been very anxious on what plans do the royals have. Of course, i do think it is a given.


"Hey Aladdin! Wake up!" Tess came bursting into the little boy's room to wake him up. Early.

Aladdin slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes but didn't open it. Later he then lied back down and slept once more. Tess was stunned at the act. Or more like shocked

"Hey! We have to go get ready. And uncle is calling for you" Tess shook the sleeping boy, pulled at his blankets, and helped him sit up until he was fully awake.

Aladdin walked through the hallways while Tess went back to his room to prepare.

The little boy was no in front of a very large door. A room. The room of the king. The room of his father.

Aladdin knocked and then entered. He saw Solomon reading a book and when he saw his son, he closed it and put it away.

Aladdin just stood by the door until Solomon gestured him to follow. They stood before a large portrait in the room. A portrait of the royal family seven years ago. In other words, a portrait of Aladdin and his parents when he was just 1 year old.

Aladdin was never presented in public back then and they planned to when he'll turn two but chaos happened even before that.

"Are you ready, Aladdin? You have no problems with crowds, do you?" Solomon asked his son as they both stared at the portrait.

Aladdin was caught off guard. That was the only time, from the whole month after the fight, that Solomon asked if he'd be alright.

"Yes... Sir..." Aladdin still couldn't call him father. It's not that he didn't want to, it's just that it's difficult for him. He never had a father, even just a father-figure. None.

His response didn't go unnoticed by Solomon. Once again, Solomon's days has been getting worse. But knowing him, he didn't show he was hurt.

"You know, when I was a kid, I always snuck out of the palace. I never wanted this place, especially if I didn't have any friends over." Solomon started to recall the day of his coronation as crown prince.

"Friends?" The little boy tilted his head as he asked.

Solomon chuckled. "Your aunts and uncles. Falan, Ithnan, Setta and Wahid. Ugo and Arba were the ones who took care of me. Ugo was more of a friend who was very intelligent and Arba was the one who taught me combat."

Aladdin furrowed his brows as he listens to things about Arba. 'She was with them. Is that why she knows them?' "Why... Did she turn bad?" Aladdin was reluctant but he asked anyway

"She rebelled. She felt like David and his former queen was always using her like a tool and so, she didn't want to be controlled. She claims that she can hear the voice of Illah and that is the only one she can trust. But thinking back, it isn't Illah's voice, it's David."

"Isn't David..." Aladdin started but he shook his head and stopped talking.

"It's alright, Aladdin. Ask, what was it?"

"Isn't David... Your papa as well...? "

'Ah, yes. I've been calling my father by his name. Just like how my son calls me king' He thought.

"David, my father, was pure evil. To be exact, he turned evil. He has harmed so many people that I can't even call him father anymore. He killed my mother, Sheba's parents as well, he almost killed Sheba, and he murdered a lot of people in Alma Torran. You too. And Sheba did what she could to protect you"

The little boy was a little scared. He saw what Solomon could do, though not that much, but still, and knows that he is the strongest. What more if there is a person who Solomon could not deal with for how many years. 'He must be on another level.' The little boy thought.

"You don't have to worry" Solomon assured his son. "David won't be able to do something to you" Solomon looked at his son as he said those words. Looking at his little boys face, he was reminded of 'her'. "You really look alike. Even your attitude are like hers"

Solomon smiled inwardly.

Aladdin didn't know what to say or do he just grinned at the king. Few moments later, Aladdin was called by Falan to get him ready. Solomon and Aladdin were walking along side and Aladdin was about to head another way when Solomon spoke.

"Aladdin, just, don't disappear on me, alright?"

Aladdin became confused. He wasn't going anywhere and why would he disappear. He thought.

"He's talking about his habits" Wahid joined the two as he explained why Solomon said that.
"Solomon always disappeared on David everytime so maybe you would too"

"Oh. I won't" Aladdin said with a grin and ran off to Falan.

"You're not David, Solomon. He doesn't need to sneak off and not join you" Wahid said while laughing at his friend.

"But I'm still David's son" Solomon countered.

"Here we go again. Didn't Sheba always tell you not to say and think that. Hey! I'm not your wife to be comforting you. Go get married if you want to!" Wahid joked

Solomon laughed with him and shook his head. 'Remarry' he thought.


"People of Alma Torran, we have faced so much up until now but we are still standing! We survived and overcame the rule of the former king David. We won the war against the Kou Kingdom. And when we were attacked seven years ago, we still managed to win even if it took us seven years! All this were possible because of our ruler".

People were gathered from all corners of Alma Torran to witness the most special event that happened in a long time. The one who spoke was named Momo. He was a loyal follower of Solomon and a friend to Sheba.

Not only that but other kingdom has envoys and representatives who went to visit and see what was going on to the kingdom.

Yamuraiha and Sharrkan went for Sindria and Alibaba went for Balbadd. Even the three new magi had come to witness, Judar, Scheherazade, and Yunan, since no one new what what had occured. Only those who were there in the fight knew. Also, other djin users came as well from different places.

"We were able to remain strong for seven long years because of a certain man that had held on and had great loyalty. Sir Uraltugo Noi Nueph"

Loud cheers and applaud came from the crowd as Ugo stepped forward. Of course, he was shaking and sweating profusely but he tried his best not to show it. He couldn't handle crowds.

"We are all gathered today to once again, acknowledge our ruler. I have governed over this place for years, refusing to take the throne because I know that the true ruler would return someday and he has"

Solomon stepped forward and everyone kept quiet. People were waiting on what was about to happen. Solomon was dressed with robes but all people noticed one thing.

He didn't wear his crown. He doesn't use it normally but everytime it was an official meet with the king, he uses it.

People started murmuring on what was happening. What happened next made the crowd go in shock.

Solomon got his knees and bowed, then Falan and Ithnan followed. "Please, forgive us." was what the three said.

People started to panick. 'Does this mean we'd have another ruler then? Have the new council decided to punish King Solomon and the others?'

The crowd was almost pushed into chaos.

The three stood up and Solomon started to speak. "People of Alma Torran, I do not deserve to be your ruler..."

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