A Small Family Conflict

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It's been a few hours since Solomon woke up and the sun is starting to rise. The others left already but Solomon and Sheba stayed awake.

The couple lay on their bed with Sheba in Solomon's arms. They did not speak but both unable to sleep. It was Solomon who broke the silence.

"Where's Aladdin?"

Sheba remained silent for a while before replying that she put him to bed just after he awoke from seeing him.

"Come to think of it" Sheba started. "He was crying and didn't want to tell my why just after he came back. What happened?"

Solomon was unable to reply that time.

"Solomon, what happened?" Sheba insisted, now turning to face her husband.

Solomon sighed defeated as he tried his best to explain. "I was doubtful. And Aladdin knew"

"You contemplated on whether it was better for you to just disappear or stay in our lives. You thought that maybe it'd be better for me, Aladdin, the kingdom, and the whole world if you were gone. And Aladdin figured it out somehow that is why he was mad and was crying his eyes out a while ago". Sheba concluded

Solomon was speechless for a while. He knows that Sheba was the on who understood her the most but he didn't expect it to be this extent.

"And no, I don't understand why you felt that way. I just know you so much that's why I know what you are thinking. But there is no way I'd understand."

Sheba turned her back on Solomon ans pulled the blanket over her head, excessively which left Solomon a small part of the blanket.

He didn't mind though. He knows he's at fault and he needed to be forgiven. 'Tomorrow's going to be a long long day' he thought as he shut his eyes to try and rest.


The sun rose once more in the Kingdom of Alma Torran but almost everyone slept in. Almost.

"Hey Aladdin! It's time to wake up!" Tess who just woke up went straight to his little brother's room.

Aladdin just stirred in his sleep but refuses to wake until Tess shook him. "Come on Aladdin! I heard uncle Solomon's awake. Let's go!"

Aladdin sprung up and rubbed his eyes. He tried to open his eyes wide but failed since his eyes were so swollen from all those crying.

"Uhhh... Yeah. Just a minute" Tess said as he casted a healing spell on Aladdin to remove the swelling. Aladdin thanked him but he didn't want to go out.

"A-are they... Awake yet?" Aladdin asked his big brother

"Not yet. I think everybody was tired."

"Great! Let's go eat then" Aladdin said as he grabbed Tess' hands and dashed to the dining hall.

The boys arrived at the dining hall and chowed down the food they were given. Just after finishing his food, Aladdin quickly stood up and excused himself. Tess followed after him and they were now the garden. Watching the magicians and warriors of Alma Torran spar.


It was already bright in the room when Solomon woke up. He felt that it was empty beside him so sat up quickly in panick but he calmed down soon after when he saw Sheba sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Good morning" Sheba greeted with a warm smile.

All that happened finally sinked in to Solomon. That Sheba was now there in front of him and that at the moment, it was peaceful. No threats, no danger. He quickly got up and hugged his wife. "Thank goodness" he breathed out.

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