A Happy Family

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A year has passed since Aladdin decided to bring peace to the world. Of course he needed to become stronger and he is.

"Dad, why does the rukh turn pink when someone is flustered?"

"When I was recreating the world, I thought of your mother. She was the very symbol of love for me. She was the only one who loved me. Of course I had my friends, but it was different. That is why I made pink rukh a symbol of love."

"Did mom fall in love with you at first sight?"

Solomon thought back at their first meeting and laughed softly. "No, she didn't. She thought I was a thief"

Aladdin looked at his father accusingly. "But you were a prince"

"I snuck out" was what Solomon said.

"Then, did you fall in love with mom at first sight?"

"No, I guess not. I thought she was too... Complicated"

"No I'm not" Sheba was now behind them and she heard what they talked about.

"Hi sweetie" she kissed Aladdin's forehead and sat beside Solomon. The three of them are in the palace gardens of Alma Torran. Aladdin started picking flowers and weaving them. He made a flower crown and stood up to place it at his mothers head.

"This is so pretty. Where'd you learn to so it sweetie?" Sheba asked as she looked at herself with a magic-made mirror.

"It was at the orphanage, though Kougyoku taught me a better way to do it."

Sheba flinched at the word orphanage.

"Mom?" Aladdin called out since his mother became unusually quite for a while. She looked at his son with tears falling down her face. They haven't really talked about their disappearance much since they were busy trying to make up to their son.

Sheba hugged her son tight while crying. Thinking how it must've been so hard ans lonely for her son when not even Solomon or her was beside him

"I'm so sorry Aladdin. Mommy's sorry for leaving you all those years. But still, you grew up to be so smart, powerful, and kind." Sheba was sobbing and now, Aladdin started tearing up as well.

"You must've felt so lonely. My poor boy"

"I was fine mom. I met lots and lots of kind people. Alibaba, aunt anise and uncle rashid, uncle sinbad, miss yam, miss Kougyoku and mor-san. They helped me a lot"

"I'm sorry too, Aladdin" Solomon was so grateful and he wouldn't be more thankful to be able to see the love of his life and their beloved son alive and well. And also that he was alive to be with them.

"I'm sorry we weren't there to help or protect you. But because of that, you became really strong. And I'm proud of you. I'm proud that you paved your own path and chose to walk in it." - Solomon

"From now on, we will never leave your side. We will be here guiding and helping you anytime you need us. And we'll make it up to you. We promise." - Sheba

"But mom, dad, you don't have to make it up to me cause you already have. And I'm just glad of what I have in this present"

Aladdin wiped the tears on her mothers face and smiled. "So stop crying now, mom"

Sheba laughed and observed her 12 year old son. He really did grow. He was a bit taller now than last year and his magic was really improving. Solomon himself taught Aladdin how to use strength magic and Sheba explained the theory to him on how she made a borg into an offensive attack.

At his young age, he was now quite unbeatable for anyone his age or near his age. He was also able to beat Tess in a spar. He was a magician who can use an offensive attack for defense using strength magic like his father and can use a defensive spell for attacking with the use of borg like his mother.

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