To Save

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It's been a few days and there still was no progress on Solomon's case. His body was now fully healed but his rukh never returned. Sheba was becoming anxious and she blamed herself.

"Maybe I killed him?! I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me! It was just, it's just that he seemed to be dying. I didn't struggle to come back only to lose him! A-and there was Aladdin. He was crying and he looked afraid while looking at Solomon. H-how could he make our son worry like that?!" Sheba was panicking now.

"Well, you might have pushed him to his limits... " It was Wahid who affirmed Sheba's worries.

*WHACK* Falan head chopped her husband all the while glaring at him. "This is like, not helping you idiot!"

"Well... Wahid kinda have a point... " It was now Ithnan who spoke

"Your temper is still the same as ever" This time it was Ugo who spoke.

Falan glared at her friends for not helping. Sheba, upon hearing what her friends have to say, slammed her head on the table while crying. Very very loud at that. "I killed my husband!" She kept repeating.

While this chaos was on going the little boy with the blue hair slowly entered the room where Sheba and the others are at. The door creaked which made everyone look who came in.

Aladdin froze at the stares directed at him.

"A-aladdin, sweetie. What are you doing here?" Sheba quickly wiped her tears and fixed herself.

"I-I was... Hungry..."

Sheba quickly called her son to sit beside her and was about to call for a plate but Setta stood up and said he'd handle it. After a few minutes, he came with two plates in his hand.

"Thanks uncle!" Aladdin said gleefully as he chowed down the food.

"Why did you have to inherit your mom's uncool habits" Setta said, shaking his head in disagreement.

Sheba quickly covered her son's ears as to not hear what Setta said. "I-I eat undignified only if I was stressed out!" She defended herself.

Aladdin only finished half the plate when he stopped and placed his fork down. Sheba noticed this and asked him what was wrong and for a while, Aladdin remained silent.

"I-I ink I cn p the ki" Aladdin whispered so Sheba was not able to hear it. "What is it sweetheart?"

"I think I know how I can help the king" Aladdin said with a louder voice.

Sheba's heart always broke when she hears Aladdin call Solomon king but she didn't know what exactly is Aladdin feeling.

Aladdin took notice of this and corrected himself. "I-I mean... I know how to help f-father... "

Sheba looked at his son with concern but was only able to smile.

"How?" Ugo asked, surprised at what Aladdin said.

"Solomon's wisdom" Aladdin aswered simply. "It seemed like the rukh was not returning not because the body is rejecting it but because it does not want to. Maybe I'd be able to talk to... Father's consciousness if I use Solomon's wisdom" he explained further.

"Are there no risks?" Sheba asked Ugo.

"Aladdin might not be able to come back once he enters another consciousness but I'm sure he'll be fine. It's Solomon who he's going to check." Ugo explained

"Then no way." Sheba said sternly. All of them, except for Falan, looked at Sheba with a shocked expression.

"Sheba, this can save Solomon." Ithnan argued.

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