The King And The Magis

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The sun rose in Alma Torran. Some are up and about, some are sleeping, some are just about to sleep and some are still awake. The festivities would drag on for a whole week or two at most, that is for certain.

Solomon woke up and got ready for he had a lot of things to do for the day, and all were important. He went to the dining and was greeted by his friends.

"King Solomon" Ugo greeted as everyone stood and bowed to show respect. Solomon did not hide his discontentment at the action of his comrades. He hated it and his vocal about it.

"Please stop with the bowing. I'm trying my best to tolerate the king title from you guys" Solomon said as he sat with them.

"We know. I'm just bowing to annoy you" Wahid commented with a laugh.

"That's so not cool, and that's not how you talk to your king." Setta reprimanded Wahid.

"It's like, so early in the morning. Stop with all this lectures. Especially you, Ugo." Falan said with a yawn.

"But it's true! Look at Ithnan now, he's as green as his hair!" Ugo said as he looked at his friend.

"Brother, you had too much to drink"

"I know. No need to tell me."

Everyone laughed at the pathetic state Ithnan was in.

"The guests have been taken care off. They said they'd all meet you by 7 if it were fine" Setta reported.


"Also, the king of Sindria is on his way here. He sent a note saying he's on his way to congratulate you and the prince personally." Ugo added.

"How rude, aru. He should've asked for permission to visit first before traveling but no. It feels like he just told his buddy, 'hey! I'm coming over'". Falan said as she tried to mimick Sinbad's voice.

"It's fine. I also want to know what happened along the years I've missed and who could greatly affect this world aside from Arba and David" Solomon responded.

Once they've finished, Solomon left and went straight to the meeting room of council instead of the throne room. He wasn't meeting the three magi as a king but as the appointer and creator of magi system.

He entered and was met with three with three people. One has already caught his attention. 'Black rukh' he thought. He already knew Judar's situation from Ithnan so wasn't all that surprised.

The three bowed as they greeted the king and yes, even Judar. He still has some respect. Especially to those who he knows are strong.

"Wow... You look like the chibbi..." Judar said the first thing on his mind which gave him a look from the other three.

Solomon brushed this off and started to talk. They had a barrier around them since this meeting was top secret and only they knew along with Solomon's companions.

"You know who I am, am I right?" Solomon started.

"You just introduced yourself yesterday, how could-"

Judar was cut off by Scheherazade when she spoke and ignored him. "You overthrew Illah ten years ago and created a new system called magi system to govern the whole world. You had three magis but when you disappeared seven years ago, another three were chosen as magis."

"I don't mean to be rude, king Solomon, but what do you need from us?" Yunan asked.

"Nothing in particular. I just wanted to know who the magis are."

"Are you going to tell us to leave our kings and choose you instead? Or to choose wisely and choose who you have decided?" Judar asked

"Judar" Solomon called the boy's attention. "I will do no such thing. Everyone is free to choose their destiny, including you. That's why I did what I did ten years ago. Do what you think is right."

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