Tragedy Revealed (II)

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"Everybody run!" Solomon shouted as he blocked an attack that came from an unknown creature that emerged from the sky.

It was chaotic. Surroundings were already destroyed and is on fire. All magicians trying to defend the others.

Hundreds of winged creature appeared before them. The aura around them felt weird and they were armed with large swords that could knock off an average magician with a single hit.

Ugo, Sheba and Aladdin were separated from the rest.

"Ugo! Take Aladdin and go to the undergrounds!" Sheba commanded as they fought their way through.

"No way! I may be scared and weak but I'll fight!"

"Ugo listen. Aladdin, he has to be safe. Please."


"We're not certain if this war will end today. We need you to think of a way to bring them back to where they came from."

"You're talking as if you'd die here. No one's dying!"

"Solomon would say the same thing. Ugo, we need you more than ever. Please."

With that, they headed for safety. As magi, they have not exhausted their magoi but their physical strength is being drained.

They were almost there when a suddenly a blast knocked them down with Sheba embracing her two year old son to protect him.

Sheba turned to her attacker and fear started to take over. She recovered quickly. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. 'Of course. I should have known it was you' Sheba thought.

"Ahh. Is that Solomon's child? What's he called again? Son... Son.. Grand... Ah! Grandson! Yes, my precious grandson. Is that right?" The man in question is none other than David, former king of Alma Torran.

"I see! You were the one who opened up this world to another dimension!" - Ugo

"Yes. All thanks to you, Uraltugo. I wouldn't have done it without all your theories. Now, the world will be ruled by a single ruler." - David

"You don't deserve to be king!" Sheba shouted as she activated her borg and attacked David. She handed Aladdin to Ugo. Ugo comforted Aladdin as he saw Sheba attack David once more

"Dear child, how you've grown. Ah wait. If your Solomon's wife then that'd make you my daughter. You should call me 'papa' from now on"

"You never even looked at Solomon as your own son. David"

"What? First my son disowned me, then my daughter? Ouch. A son is a big disappointment. I was hoping that maybe a daughter will be better."

Sheba did not respond. She didn't understand why David hasn't attacked her yet. She doesn't stand a chance at beating him, she knows that but she could buy time for Aladdin and Ugo.

Ugo took Aladdin and escaped from David. Sheba gathered up all the strength she has. She's doing this for Aladdin, her friends, family, and the world.

After the exchange of attacks, Sheba fell. Not being able to manipulate gravity, she ended up on the ground. Badly injured and unable to stand. David left her and headed straight to Ugo and Aladdin.

With David's great speed, he catched up to them. Now Aladdin was struggling in the arms of his grandfather. He was calling out to his parents, and Ugo. Ugo could not bring himself to attack David since Aladdin was in danger.

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