Prince Of Alma Torran

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"Are you feeling alright? Aladdin?"

Tess asked. Worried that his little brother might be sick. He tucked him to bed and sat beside him.

"I'm fine" *smile*

Tess stood and up and reached for the door. He was about to leave for Aladdin to rest when the little boy said something that made his heart ache.

"Brother, do you miss your mom?"

Those very words echoed in Tess' mind. He turned around and saw pure innocence and concern in Aladdin's face.

"Is that why you're not feeling well? You miss your parents too?" Tess asked.

"No. Not really... I never even met them. Since I've been an orphan all my life, it's like a mother and father doesn't exist for me..."

"Don't say that brat!" Tess went to Aladdin and flicked his forehead.

"Owww!" Aladdin complained as he rubbed his forehead.

"I'm sure that deep in your heart, you want to meet them. Your just young, you don't have to act tough. It's alright to miss someone without any reasons at all because you will soon realize why."

"So do you miss your parents big brother? Where are they?"

Tess looked away and took a deep breath. "My father died. I'm currently looking for my mother"

"Was it because of the incident here seven years ago?"

"How did you know about that?! Could it be that you rememb...."

"I just heard about it. From some people..."

"Ah, I see. Well... Yes, it was because of seven years ago. I lost my parents, my known family, my little brother, and I lost seven years of my life"

"Do you resent queen Sheba?"

Tess' eyes widened at the question of Aladdin. "Why... Would you ask me such question?"

"Then... Do you hate king Solomon for causing the incident seven years ago. Killing most of his people and leading their families to despair?"

Tess grabbed Aladdin by his shoulders and shook him. "Aladdin, listen to me, whoever told you that nonsense was lying. Don't believe a single word they said."

Aladdin just nodded and went under the sheets. With that, Tess left.


Just as the door closed, Aladdin rushes to the door and opened it.

He headed straight to where Ugo said was off limits and opened the largest door with gold linings and attached to it were different kinds of gems.

*Creak* Slowly, Aladdin opened the door and peeked. He entered the room and did magic to give light to the dim place. Everything was clean amd organized. It was like it was maintained everyday even though no one was using it. Though, curtains were thick and cloths were covered into some paintings.

Suddenly, his crescent moon jewel began to glow again. Aladdin felt strong magic power around him.

"Solomon look! Don't we look like a real family now? Three people who only have one another as family"

Aladdin had a vision of a certain woman and man, looking at a painting with a one year old child beside them.

Aladdin turned and realized that the vision he had was at the very same place he was in. He ran towards a painting and quickly pulled the cloth covering it.

That was the very moment that he realized everything. "Oh...." was the only thing that Aladdin could say.

In an abandoned room filled with strong magic and was once filled with love, stood a lonely boy. Staring at his very past, trying his best to process everything. Staring at the painting of a happy family. The royal family, the late king Solomon, queen Sheba, and the lost prince, Prince Aladdin. Another way to put it was... his father, his mother, and him.

"Queen Sheba... Are you in grief? All those dreams and those visions, they were all your memories. Are you around me right now? Are you really here? Or is your rukh just following me?" Aladdin just spoke what he had in mind.


Tess entered the room and saw Aladdin, just staring at their portrait. No tears, no emotions could be seen in his face. Tess just stood beside Aladdin and looked at the portrait too.

Tess knew that Aladdin was intelligent and wise. He knew that his little brother has now realized who he truly was.

"Brother... Were the rumors about King Solomon killing his own people true?"


"Were the rumours about king Solomon leading his own people to war true"

"Yes, but with a very good reason"

"Were the rumours about Queen Sheba killing a prince of Kou true?"


"Where's your mom?"

"Somewhere alone..."

"Do you want to see your parents?"

"Do you want to see yours?"

"I... " Aladdin trailed of and looked at the ground

Tess glanced at Aladdin before looking away. "I'd love to see them. The only thing is I can't. I can't see them because only one of them are alive now."

"Why don't you?"

"I don't know what to do and how to feel. She's become who she is right now because of me. She destroyed herself because she thought she had lost me. I don't want to see my mother in that state. I love my mom and I look up to her, but how would she feel of she saw me alive. Will she even believe it?"


Tess looked at Aladdin.

"I want.... To see them too... I don't remember them at all but, i wish I could see them. Even j-just... Once... But that would never happen."

Aladdin yawned and became sleepy. Tess tucked his little brother to bed in the same room. "Sleep here for now"

And with that, Tess left.


"Arba?! What are you thinking?! We're not certain if Ugo had done something that may cause our downfall."

"Falan, I know now. Ugo had beed keeping something but I'm certain it's not a powerful magic. I didn't feel a strong spell, just the protective barrier."

"On the second sun rise, we'll gather and attack Alma Torran with full force. We've gathered enough black rukh to destroy that kingdom, and this time, Not Solomon nor Sheba will be there to protect it. We'll wipe it off the map."

"I'll bring my magicians here tomorrow. Prepare."

"You don't waste time, Arba, Falan" Ithnan appeared before them.

"Won't you be joining?"

"What are you talking about? Not go and what? Miss the fun? Of course I'd be going"

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