Manipulative Empress

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Kouha had been walking around the palace and is headed straight to the eastern wing. He decided to check on Kougyoku and he grew fond of the guest. His hair was really nice to style.

He walked pass the guards and went straight to his sister's chambers. He stopped by the entrance and one of the guards spoke. "Apologies, my prince, but the princess isn't here"

"Where'd she go?"

"Onee san was so nervous a while ago before leaving. For a moment there I actually thought she was scared." The little blue haired boy appeared with an apple in his hands.


"She was summoned by her majesty, Empress Gyokuen" the guard informed.

Few minutes later Kouha came busting in his brother's room and pulled him out to go to Kouen.

"Kouha? Koumei?" Kouen asked with a confused face. Wondering why his two younger brothers were all sweaty and tired bursting into his room.

"The disgusting old witch called on Kougyoku"


Kougyoku was now before the empress. She was on her knees, showing respect to her majesty. Gyokuen was seated on the throne room. Many magicians with veils that covered their faces were surrounding them. All guards were outside and Kougyoku was in front of the empress. A very awkward place to be in in Kougyoku's opinion

"Greetings, your majesty" Kougyoku said calmly despite the knot forming in her stomach.

Gyokuen raised her brow at her words. She shook her head and forced a smile. "Rise my child." She ordered and Kougyoku obeyed.

"Are you not the daughter of Emperor Koutoku?" Gyokuen asked the princess.

"Yes, your majesty" she just agreed, not knowing what the empress was trying to imply

"And am I not the wife of the emperor, your father?" She asked with a raised brow.

'Ah. Yes, of course' Kougyoku thought. She calls the emperor father but she calls her 'majesty'. Kougyoku remained silent which gave Gyokuen the idea that she understood what the empress meant.

Gyokuen stood from the throne, walked down the stairs from the throne and stood before her daughter. She gave Kougyoku a loving smile which Kougyoku find it warm. The warmth only a mother could give. "Kougyoku... I know I am not your birth mother and I know we don't spend much time together, but, I would like to change that. Out of all your siblings, you are the most distant. Is something wrong about me?" She asked with a tender and calming voice.

"N-no your majes.... I-I mean..." She stuttered, unable to finish her statement. "I-I'm just... I have no right..." She said, almost to herself but Gyokuen heard it.

The empress pulled her daughter into a hug and caressed her hair that made Kougyoku lower her guard. She didn't feel shy or nervous anymore. She just felt loved, for the very first time.

"No one deserves to be called a 'just' my dear. You are worth more than you know. Don't you forget that."

Kougyoku started to tear up. Besides Kouen, Kouha and Judar, no one has really appreciated her. 'Why does my brothers hate the empress when she's like this... A very wonderful person who could make someone like me be proud of who I truly am?' Kougyoku thought.

"I missed spending time with my children. Do you want to take a walk and you can tell me how your days went"

Kougyoku looked up, quite confused. "How my days are?" She asked. No one has really asked how was her day and what happened. Was it exciting. Did something good happen or was it bad. Does she feel ok or not. 'Was it really important? Is this how having a mother feels?' Kougyoku thought.

"It's alright if you have plans. Maybe later" Gyokuen said, pulling Kougyoku out of her thoughts.

For a while she kept silent then smiled at her 'beloved' mother. "I have no plans mother."

Then they left the throne room and strolled in the wide gardens of the palace.


Night has fallen and everyone was now back to their own chambers. Of course, in a certain place a man was questioning his friend for their actions.

"What would you gain from the princess? Allowing her to be with you?"

"She's our link"

"To what?"

"You mean 'to who'. She'll be the instrument that would connect us to Aladdin."

"And if she found out too much? Don't be reckless"

"Then she'd have to go. Simple"

"I see. You're still as manipulative as ever. Involving an innocent child of yours"

"What? Aren't you the same, Ithnan?"

"Don't compare me to you, Arba"

Ithnan left, leaving the empress to rejoice for her successful day. She will see illah again, and she'd do everything to make sure of it. It doesn't matter whose lives are on the line. So be it.

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