You're Here? (I)

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With Ithnan...


Ithnan recognized the voice that called and quickly turned to the way he heard the voice. Ithnan's eyes widened at the sight before him. He began to tremble so much that he lost the strength to stand.

"Why..." He muttered as he tried his best to gather his thoughts and pull himself together. "Why am I hallucinating now?! This is not real! This is not real! He's dead!" He shouted.

"Brother... How have you been?"

Ithnan raised his head as he stared at the man he was never able to forget. One of the reason why he turned his back on Alma Torran.

"I see" Ithnan stood up and calmed down quickly as he had made the conclusion. "This must be Ugo's doing. Is this the spell he had under his sleeves? Pathetic!"

He looked at the man before him and the face he saw made him waver a little. The man before him was confused, but most of all, hurt and concern is evident in his eyes. Ithnan shook his head and cleared his mind.

"I know your not Setta. This must be a personification magic, or illusion, or a form of life magic that affects the mind" Ithnan concluded.

"Though you've always been cool, you're being so uncool right now brother" Setta commented as he adjusted his glasses.

Ithnan was shocked at the attitude that's really Setta. He didn't understand what was happening already so he attacked the man in front of him. His attack was then blocked by huge ice.

"Brother, it's me, Setta. What happened to you and this place?"

Setta turned his head to look at his home. His once peaceful home. He felt heartbroken at what was happening before his eyes. 'War... Again...' He thought.

Setta looked at his brother and observed him, he knew what was wrong. Ithnan was confused and doesn't believe it's him. Then he spoke...

"Brother, the rukh does not lie."

And with that statement Ithnan realized. He was too baffled that he could not see or think straight a while ago. Now that he looks closely, it is Setta. It's his rukh. It's his memories. It really is his brother.

Ithnan dropped to his knees as tears started flowing down his face.

Setta approached him. "I missed you brother. I'm glad to see you doing well... Mostly..."

Ithnan could not bring himself to respond. For seven long years... He thought his brother died. And now, he's here. Not a ghost, a dream, nor an illusion.

Then, they talked and told stories about how they spend their 7 years.


With Falan...

"Falan... What are you doing?"

Falan was shocked at the voice she grew familiar with for many years. 'Why? Why am I thinking about him right now' she thought. She could not fathom what was going on right now.

Her attack was obviously countered by flames. But that can't be him. It can't be, he's dead.

As the smoke clears a man's figure came in sight. Tess stared at the back of the man and it hit him. The very figure who protected him ever since he was born and that voice that disciplined him for all his actions. Another person he's longed to see just as much as his mother.

The said man turned to Tess with a huge grin plastered in his face. "Hey brat, how have you been?" He asked.

Tess began tearing up as he stared at his savior. "Papa..." was all he could bring his mouth to say.

Wahid noticed something unusual in his son. 'Why does he feel like someone else?' He muttered as he assessed the boy's situation. Then he realized, a spell. A spell that alter one's appearance in the eyes of others.

Having all this figured out he broke the spell and Tess' real form to the others went back to normal.

Falan stiffened at what was unfolding before her very eyes.  "Wahid. Tess...? No way..."

She swallowed the lump on her throat as she processed everything. "Why does it feel so real?" Falan asked, not noticing the tears flowing down her face. "Can I really hope this is real? Can I really hope for this last time that your not just an illusion?"

"Mom?" Tess tried calling out to her again and Falan took a step back with pure horror in her face. She was trembling for the mixed feelings she has. Her eyes were unfocused and she couldn't think straight. For a moment, they stayed like that.

Minutes passed and Falan fell on her knees. Wahid rushed to her side but was pushed back by a force that came from Falan. "Don't touch me!" She screamed.

Then, she started to laugh. "Hahaha! I'm pathetic! I'm on my knees just because of this!"

"Ugo... I never knew you too, have become so ruthless. Using my family to drain the strength out of me. I'd rather die!"

Falan was out of control that she used her magic, her life magic sap the life out of her. "I'd rather die... But even if it's fake, even if I just made it up, for one last time, let me see the faces of the ones I love."


"Funny, I was used to Wahid calling me woman instead of my name, and he called me twice. Haha. I really am dreaming..."

"Cut it out woman!" Wahid shouted as he shaked his wife. "Undo the spell right now!".

"It can't be undone." Falan said as she smiled.

"Why the heck are you smiling?!"

"I'm pitiful. Even in death, because I have fallen into depravity, I still wouldn't be able to meet you" Falan then turned at the crying boy beside her. "I love you so much my baby boy, Tess..."

"Your crazy. I didn't spend my time trying to come back just for this. Falan!" Wahid shouted as he watched Falan lose her life.

"Wait! Papa I can save her!" Tess went to work as he casted his magic to save his mother.

"Where did you learn life magic?" Wahid wondered.

"Uncle Ugo's library. He had a lot of book and tought me everything I know now.... Done! She'll be fine, just unconscious. I countered her magic and gave her life force from around us"

Wahid looked at his son and smiled to himself. "You've grown so much. And I wasn't even there"

"Not at all papa..."

And Tess told him what happened to him. About his seven years sleep and the Al Thamen that happened.

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