The Two Magi

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"Master Ugo... It's working. His life force is coming back. He may wake up very soon"

"Indeed" Ugo, satisfied for what he had accomplished, smiled and left the room filled with a new ray of hope. He treated his nephew, now it's time to deal with the other problem.

Then, a servant came with a letter in her hand. She payed respect and handed Ugo the letter.

"Look after Tess for me. He'll wake up very soon and call on me through clairvoyance. I shall proceed to Balbadd." Ugo commanded as he readied himself to travel to Balbadd.

With their current state, Ugo could not possibly just go to Kou and take Aladdin, he isn't as reckless as the others. He is rational and always careful.

Just a month ago after discovering about the boy at Kou, he asked Balbadd for help without actually telling them his purpose. He just needed Aladdin to leave Kou.

And so...

Few more months has passed.


"Why the heck am I here again?" Judar, who was so bored, asked with his arms behind his head. He kept frowning as he watched to little kids run around everytime they see a 'new' thing.

"Come on Judar, you're no fun!" Kougyoku complained as she stared at a clothing which had unique design and pattern.

"Old hag, no matter what you wear, you'd still look the same" Judar smirked

"I'd still look pretty no matter what?" Kougyoku asked with a wide smile on her face

"No, even if you wear beautiful clothes, you'd still look like an Old. Hag."

"You.!!!" *Humph!* "Aladdin! Do I look old to you?"

(No response)

"Aladdin?" Kougyoku turned her head to all directions but no blue haired boy was found. "Aladdin!" Kougyoku called out but still no response

Kougyoku looked at Judar with a very worried expression. Judar rolled his eyes and sighed. He flicked his wand and they teleported to a stall. In one of those was Aladdin who was surrounded by so many women.

"He's so cute!!!" One of them said as they gave Aladdin more and more fruits. Aladdin kept smiling and thanking them. He turned his head and saw Judar with Kougyoku. He smiled and waved his hands at them. He thanked the ladies once more and left

"Wow. You sure are popular for someone who has a that face"- Judar

"What's wrong with my face?" Asked the boy with a question mark popping out on top of his head. He was called cute and handsome by all people he met. What could possibly be wrong

"Don't listen to him Aladdin. Your handsome. If hadn't known you, I'd guess you have the face of a king. Or rather, a prince with a gentle expression" Kougyoku encouraged him.

Aladdin was flustered and turned his head while thanking Kougyoku.

Hearing this, Judar started laughing out loud. "What the heck! You really don't know him at all! Watch your words old hag!"

The two looked at Judar because of confusion. What was he saying? Suddenly, a magic attack was directed at them. The two magicians acted quickly and protected the area.

"Sorry miss Kougyoku" Aladdin casted a spell to teleport Kougyoku back to the palace. He turned his head straight ahead but no magician was seen.

"Hey chibbi! The witch is after you now. I don't know what you did for them to take action now, but I think you should leave" Judar blocked off an attack from a random direction. They fighting someone unseen.

"You're one of them too, Judar. Aren't you supposed to help them?"

"The old hag would kill me if she knew I abandoned you. Also, your interesting"

"So you know who I am?"

"Yes, don't you?"

"Just a hunch."

"Well, hold on to that and don't bother asking me. I won't tell you"

With that Judar and Aladdin used magic to sense the magician's location and take them out.

More and more kept coming and Judar was pissed. "How annoying!"

Judar looked at Aladdin then smirked. "This is the only time I'll help you so don't go expecting for more help"

Judar casted a spell that teleported Aladdin to a land with no civilization. Just an empty land.

"Hey little boy, you seem lost. Did you come here all by yourself?"

Aladdin turned only to see a young man, a little younger than Alibaba. His was wearing a turban around his head and was carrying a staff with him. He had green eyes that reminded Aladdin of a certain someone.

Somehow, he felt very familiar with the one in front of him. Aladdin also saw the rukh around him. Suddenly, his necklace began glowing once more, which didn't go unnoticed.

"What's your name kid?" Asked the young man. He was suspicious of the little boy in front of him.

"I'm Ali, mister. I travelled here alone." Aladdin replied.

"Ali.... Hm. That's a nice name."

A strong wind blew the turban of the young man to the ground. Aladdin looked up and saw the long braided orange hair of the young man.

"What the...." The other muttered and picked up his turban and fixed it once more.

"Since you're all alone, why don't you come with me. I'm on my way to the capital."

"Thanks mister!" Aladdin smiled

"Don't call me mister. My name's Tess."

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