A New Dream

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"So why is the Chibbi a magi?" Judar asked.

"Because he inherited the traits of Sheba who is a magi, not to mention, he is also Solomon's son so - "

"Yeah yeah. Boring stuff" Judar cut off Ugo as he waved his fork, playing with the food.

It was another day for the alma torran residents. Judar has been here for a few days but wasn't still comfortable with the idea of eating with everybody else. But he didn't hate it that much so he stayed.

He was seated beside Tess and Aladdin.

"Stop like, playing with your food, aru!" Falan reprimanded him.

Judar rolled his eyes and just stood up. "You're all too much of a goodie two shoes. It's boring here. I'd rather go make chaos outside"

Everyone looked at Solomon but he remained emotionless on what the young magi said.

Before Judar was able to walk away completely, "Do you want to spar?" Sheba broke the silence and asked.

Judar turned his head and looked at the one challenging him. "Nah! If I were to spar someone, I'd rather spar with Sinbad who's across the world. He's more powerful."

"Hahaha! You know, it isn't fair to compare a magician loved by rukh and a singularity." It was now Ithnan who spoke.

"Judar, come outside" was what Sheba ony said. She first went out and Judar followed after. Still mumbling about how this is a waste of his time.

Everyone else went out to watch.

Sheba flew up high but was still visible to those on the ground. Everyone looked at Judar, waiting for him to go as well, so he just went, wanting this to be over with.

"Come on, old hag. Let's just end this".

"Attack first, Judar. Without holding back. You can fire your biggest and strongest spell there is."

Judar grinned from ear to ear. He liked the sound of not holding back.

Aladdin tugged at his father's robe while looking at the two above him. He had his brows furrowed and it was evident that he doesn't like what was going on. "Dad... Maybe you should stop this"

Solomon gently smiled at Aladdin and shook his head. "Don't worry. Your mom will be fine. And I'm sure she won't hurt your friend"

Aladdin stared at his father for while and just looked back at his mother. "He's not my friend" was Aladdin's reply.

"Are you certain?" Solomon thought back when he was starting to make friends during his younger years. At first was Setta and Ithnan, then Wahid, then Falan.

"Well, I want to become friends with him and sure Judar isn't that much of a horrible person. But he doesn't seem to want me as a friend" Aladdin explained.

Solomon was very proud on how Aladdin grew up to be. He was smart and yet still kind. "Great thinking Aladdin", he complimented his son. "But you know, Judar doesn't really see you as an enemy, he considers you his rival. And I think that's a good start."

Aladdin grinned at his father for his kind words.


"Thalg thalgeyya!"

Judar used his Ice magic to attack but before it even reached five meters from Sheba, her borg activated.

Judar was a little surprised to see an unusually large borg but he disregarded it. He continued to attack, spell after spell but it did not even make a scratch.

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