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On that very night, before the second chaos began in the land of Alma Torran, Aladdin had decided to talk his way out.

"Maybe they'll listen... If not miss Arba, maybe uncle Ithnan or aunt Falan would stay out of it."

Aladdin sneaked out of the palace and with magic, teleported to the famous kingdom of Sindria.

"What was that again... This formula... If I combine this with that spell, it may have a 1538 probable result. If I cancel the...."

"Miss Yam!" Aladdin was spot on with his teleportation and was on Yamuraiha's lab. He ran towards his teacher and hugged her. This time, not grope hehe.

"A-aladdin?! Aladdin you're here?! Why?! How?! No... Don't answer that. I bet you've become even more powerful, right?!"

"Of course! I'm a lot stronger than I used to. But Miss Yam, I don't have much time. I need your help"

"On what?"

Aladdin has departed from Sindria and went on his way. To Magnostadt. "Thank you, Miss Yam" Aladdin murmured as he made his way to a certain part of Magnostadt. A place where weapons are made and where black rukh was a test subject.

Aladdin observed from above when...

"What do you think? Ain't it quite the sight?"

Aladdin turned around to see the masked green haired man. He was also the one which Tess and Ugo talked about. His uncle.

"Good evening, Uncle Ithnan"

"What's up with that gaze? Did Ugo finally tell you?"

"Yes. Uncle, is the hatred in your heart still that powerful? Can't you just... Forgive King Solomon?"

"King Solomon... You say you know the truth and yet you call him king Solomon. You hate him too, don't you"

"I don't. Let the people with him judge his actions. Only those who heard his will for his actions, those who saw what he truly did, may or may not hate him"

"What?! How naive, my little nephew. That's a lousy excuse. And also... Forgiving is only for the weak!"

"And vengeance is for the strong? Uncle, you know what it feels like to lose someone and yet, you do things that makes others lose someone too."

"Aladdin, shouldn't you be at home and preparing for tomorrow? It's quite a special day"

"I know. That's why I was hoping, uncle, please do not attend tomorrow's party"

"And where's the fun in that?"

Aladdin just turned his back and left. Although Ithnan had already frozen his heart, he still could not deny the fact that he was a bit shaken.

"Forgive... If only it were that easy, I would've done it years ago. But my wound wouldn't heal, even with the use of magic" Ithnan just stared at Aladdin leave. 'How fearless. Didn't he think I'm dangerous? Turning his back on an enemy. Sheba... You're just like your son. Too nice'


"Prepare all the magicians. Go and create more black rukh. I don't care what happens to this kingdom, just go."

Falan made orders to do crimes to gather more black rukh from the fallen and negative emotions.

"Aunt Falan..."

Quickly, Falan turned and attacked with ice magic but it was blocked by a borg. "You?!"

"Aunty, please don't join the fight tomorrow."

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