The Medium

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"Wait" Ithnan interrupted. "Are you really sure you'd be able to kill the medium?"

"I will. That's the only way to stop it"

"She's dear to your son though, isn't she, Aladdin?" Ithnan, Solomon, and all the others looked at the boy.

"Who are you talking about? "

"I am talking about the Kou princess. Kougyoku Ren"

Aladdin's eyes went wide at the name he heard. 'Miss Kougyoku?' How? Why? What happened? Aladdin had no idea. Why would she attract this much black rukh. She's too kind hearted. She can't go bad.

"And I think you've misunderstood, Solomon. I know you wouldn't kill the innocent". Ithnan added. "She is the medium but that doesn't mean she did it willingly and she's an ally to Arba. She's just in deep despair"

Kougyoku has always been soft hearted and she longed for love so when Arba showed care for her, she instantly fell into the trap. Arba manipulated her and slowly filled her heart with despair using lies and deception. This was how Kougyoku became the medium. But she herself didn't know what Arba did. This was explained by Ithnan to the others.

"I can't let miss Kougyoku die" Aladdin mumbled to himself but the others heard it. All of them then looked at Solomon.

"But there is no other way." Ugo panicked. How could they save the world and the girl.

"I still sense white rukh" Solomon sighed in defeat. "She has not yet been fully dyed black.

"If that's the case the we still can save her!" - Ugo

"And how are we going to do that?" - Wahid

"Solomon, enter that ball of black rukh as a rukh. Only you can do it" - Ugo

Solomon nodded then stepped forward. "Aladdin, come with me"

Aladdin followed Solomon and they went nearer the medium. Solomon faced Aladdin and placed his hands on the boys shoulders. "You should go"

"But I don't know what to do"

"When someone feels despair, it is but right to help them go back on the track of life. Sheba always had a way of words. I'm sure you do too"

With that, an eight pointed star glowed on Solomon's forehead. "I give this to you" Solomon said as Aladdin was covered in a bright light.

When he came to, he was surrounded by pure evil. He floated around an empty space that's full of black rukh. Aladdin then followed the slightest ray of light until it led to a crying Kougyoku.

"Please. Please. Please. Just kill me. I just want to die. I want all of this to be over. I hate them. I hate them all." These were the words Kougyoku kept repeating.

Aladdin felt his heart ache for his friend. "Miss Kougyoku..."

---------------Hours Later--------------

"It's been hours now, Solomon. Aladdin isn't back yet." Setta said as he came back from subduing and suppressing the attacks from the rebellion when he left after Aladdin went to the medium.

"Solomon, why did you let Aladdin go? You're just breaking his heart even more" Ugo asked

"A person with black rukh has their life being sapped away. She's as good as dead. Her rukh may return white but she won't live. I know you know this" - Ithnan

"I guess it's better than not being able to do anything at all". Wahid also just came back and reported that they have successfully put a stop to the rebellion and temporarily locked them up. They had to deal with things one at a time.

"Setta, I need your help. Falan is still unconscious and Sheba isn't here so I'll rely on your life magic."

With that, Aladdin woke up. Slowly, he sat up and started sobbing. Tess went up to the little boy and hugged him. Aladdin cried harder. He knew what would happen.

Solomon's forehead began to glow once more as rukh gathered from all around to him. "Setta, we're going to heal her. Help me. She's not yet completely dead"

"She's practically dead. But still, we'll save her" Setta got ready to cast his spell since one wrong move would mean the end of the girl.

Solomon, Setta and also Ugo helped each other to save Kougyoku. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. Little by little, the life on Kougyoku's face has been restored.

All of them breathed a sigh of relief. But that wasn't the end of that. Suddenly, Kougyoku disappeared after being treated and Arba appeared.

"Wow! What a show! It's so heartwarmingly disgusting that I want to throw up. Thanks for saving my 'daughter'. I'll be taking her now. Don't worry, I won't harm her" then Arba left.

Solomon was about to follow but was stopped by a voice that came behind them. It was Falan

"Don't act recklessly. She won't harm her. And Kougyoku doesn't know what Arba did. It's better to keep her in the dark. She'd be safer that way. Once Kougyoku knows about Arba, she won't hesitate to kill the girl on the spot."

Falan's eyes had no expression as she said those words. All of them were currently wrapped in an awkward silence.

Everything was dealt with. No more illah, Arba and the rebellion. It was Wahid, as usual, who broke the silence.

"Why don't we go see the people still stuck on the underground taking shelter".

All of them nodded with no question asked. They just followed. They went to the undergrounds where the people took shelter years ago before they disappeared.

When Solomon and the others reappeared, they were back to where they disappeared at.

Solomon, Ithnan, Falan, and Tess helped them come out while Wahid, Setta, and Aladdin freed the magicians they suppressed. All magicians were brought down to their knees as they saw their families in front of them. The very families they thought they've lost.

"Let's go" Solomon said as they all went back to the still-intact part of the palace.

And once again, everyone was silent. Falan was trying to process what was happening. It still didn't sink in. Tess and Wahid are here. It's not an illusion. It's not a dream. She isn't dead either.

That was when Wahid came up to her and hugged her. "I missed you" was what he whispered to his wife. He held her tight. For seven years, he thought he'd never see her again. Falan stood still. What she didn't know was tears started forming in her eyes.

Tess then ran to his parents and hugged them both. He was crying. Out loud. But he didn't care. Just back then he knew that Falan turned to the dark side and his father was dead. Then just a while ago he thought he'd die by his mother's hands then his father suddenly appeared. So much had happened. He couldn't stop crying. Fear, longing, missing, and joy were all mixed. Falan hugged her son and started to cry with him.

"Tess... Tess... My son. Could I really dare to?"

"Wahid held both his son and wife in a warm embrace. "This is real Falan. I'm here and so is Tess. We're both alive. We'd be together from now on. I promise. This is real"

The others smiled at the heart warming sight of the family. "Good for you, Falan" Ugo said with a genuine smile.

Falan looked at Ugo and smiled faintly.

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