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"Solomon! No, please. You don't have to die!"


"I'll fight with you. We will save everyone"

"No. We can't avoid casualties. For the kingdom's sake. Lead everyone to the undergrounds"

"So you're just going to die?!"

"No. I'm not going to 'just' die. I will ensure a bright future for the world, and also, my world."


"Sheba, please live. Live so that Aladdin may also live"


The sun shined in the kingdom of Balbadd and woke the little boy sleeping in the street. He yawned and stretched his arms upward trying to get up fully. He sat down and rubbed his eyes. "Weird... I kept dreaming about that lady... Who is she anyway. Why can't I see her face". He brushed off his thoughts and dusted off his clothes then stood up, ready to face another day.

He was a homeless child. He ran away from the orphanage that took him in just a few days ago. For him, it was boring to stay there. No adventures and excitement, only a four cornered place. He'd rather die than stay in that place.

The little boy doesn't even know his birthday or age. But, it had been 7 years since he was at the orphanage. As for his parents, he doesn't know. They said that he was found in a box from travellers. No one was with him and the only thing that's with the child was his covers and a crescent moon jewelry.

He hung it around his neck and every time he walks on the streets, he always observed people passing by if he might recognize something similar to his jewelry. He wanted to at least know who his parents were. Why had they abandoned him? Is he not the child they wanted? Is he just a piece of trash that they'd throw him away? He felt like crying every time he thinks about what his parents felt about him.

This cute little blue-haired boy was nameless. Not even his name was provided. They often called him chibbi since he's really small.

The little boy hadn't eaten since yesterday and is starting to feel weakness. His visions were becoming blurry and he can't walk or even think straight. He didn't realize that he was crossing a busy street and that a carriage was speeding near him. He had no time to react and that's when a hooded man pulled him to the side, avoiding the fast carriage that passed by.

People gasped at the sight. That was a very close call. A woman rushed towards the one who saved the little boy's life saw how bad the boy's condition was so she brought the boy with her. It turns out that the woman was with the hooded man. They entered a fancy carriage and the woman handed bread and water to the chibbi. The little boy's eyes suddenly shined. "Food! Thank you very much miss!" The little boy thanked them and devoured the food quickly. The two adults couldn't help but smile.

"Why are you out on the streets all alone little boy?" The woman asked.

The boy just looked down. He didn't know how to answer the question but with this, the woman understood. This boy is homeless.

"Rashid..." The woman started as she faced the man with pleading eyes. "This boy doesn't have a home..."

"Anise, we..." The king was hesitant. They can't just pick up an unknown child and bring it with them.

"Please." Anise, as a mother couldn't help but feel compassionate about the little boy. She can't just leave and ignore this child after seeing what he's going through.

Rashid sighed but he smiled and nodded. Anise's eyes sparked with joy. Rashid signaled the coachmen to go and they left.

"Where are we going mister?" The chibbi asked as he looked out the window looking at the view.

"You'll see. By the way, what's your name little boy?" The man asked.

The boy only looked down and stared at his shoeless feet. He didn't know how to answer. But, he smiled widely and "I don't have any". He was so innocent and evidently, there was a hint of sadness in his tone even if he was widely smiling.

"We're here your majesties!" The guard outside announced and opened the door. The man walked out and the little boy followed. His eyes grew wider when he saw where they were. "A palace?! Your majesties?! Your..." The boy blurted out.

"Aha-ha-ha... You guessed correctly little boy. I am Rashid Saluja, King of Balbadd and this is my wife Anise. But that doesn't matter. Come, let's go in." The queen handed out her hand and the boy took it.

He was happily walking in the hallway when a young man, 17 years of age approached them. He was blond and had fare skin. He looked exactly like the two adults.

"Mother!" The blond shouted as he ran to hug his mother. He then bowed to his father paying him his respects

"Alibaba, it's good to see you holding those books." The king smiled at the young man which was his son.

Alibaba scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly. He was embarrassed whenever his father praised him. "Ah, yes your majesty. I was studying. By the way... Who's this?" He said looking at the little boy beside King Rashid and his mother.

"He wasn't feeling really well and he doesn't have a place to stay, that's why I brought him here. Alibaba, why don't you..." The queen wasn't finished talking when Alibaba responded. He understood what his mother wants to imply.

"Sure! I'm sure you're exhausted too, my king. Please rest and I'll handle our guest". Alibaba said with a wide smile on his face.

The king smiled back but it was evident he was hurt. His son, Alibaba, called him king. Even after King Rashid looked for Alibaba and his mother and brought them to the palace, his son has never referred to him as father at it was breaking Rashid's heart.

The boy saw the sadness of the king by looking at his rukh and he understood the situation.

The king and queen left the two so he turned to Alibaba and smiled at him. "Hey, mister! Nice to meet you!" He greeted.

"Hey kid. Want to go grab something to eat?" Alibaba asked with an emotionless face. One look at the little boy and he knew that he was different. Something is weird with this little blue-haired boy, but what is it?

"Say, kid, what's you're name?" Alibaba asked, turning to the boy.

"I don't have any." The boy cheerfully responded.

"What? Then what do they call you?" Alibaba was now even more curious with this child

"Just 'kid', 'chibbi', 'brat'". He was so innocent that it didn't really bother him to be called with those words.

"Well then, what do you want to be called?"

"I don't know..."

"Any name that you want?"

The boy looked down and thought of a name. There was one that entered his mind though. "Solomon" he mumbled. It was a name he kept hearing in his never ending dreams.

"What?" Alibaba heard the boy murmur. "Solomon? Well that's a very high goal of yours"

"Y-you know someone named Solomon?"

"Heck yeah!" Alibaba was now more energetic with their conversation. It became interesting to the both of them. "King Solomon, he's so awesome! He was the one who actually made peace possible in this unjust world! He was also the most powerful magician! But,"

"But what mister? Please tell me more. I want to know more about this King Solomon.

"He died. A war broke out and tragedy befallen him and his wife. Many others too."

"That's so sad"

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