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In the Empire of Parthevia, a magician was taking care of the young king. She never once left his side ever since he had to witness the war between Sindria and Parthevia in which his sister died. Right now, Parthevia made peace with Sindria.

The magician is currently the advisor of the young king. Ceylan trusts Falan so much since she had been like a mother to him.

It was already late in the night when she sensed a magician enter the premises of the empire. She walked out and met with him. A green haired and a masked face man stood before her.

"What are you doing here, Ithnan?" She asked apathetically

"I have a surprise for you and Arba"

"I don't have time for your nonsense Ithnan. Go straight to the point!"

"Come to Kou. I'd prefer to show rather than just telling stories. It's better that way"

"I swear if you're wasting my time..."

"It'd be worth your time for sure. Come on"

The two magicians arrived at Kou where everyone was gathered. Arba arrived and Ithnan used magic to reveal his memories. The recent conversation he had with a certain blue haired boy.

Everyone's jaw dropped as they saw the little boy. The resemblance was far too much to stay unnoticed. Whispers were heard all around the room as they talked about the blue haired boy.

Everyone watched and listened to every word until it ended. Falan was clenching her fist while Arba smiled darkly.

"H-how... Why... How could that child be alive?! He does not deserve to live. He must die!" Falan was furious. Her husband, and her child was taken from her because of her former king, and now, the king's son is alive. She could not bare the thought. "Solomon... You were willing to sacrifice the lives of others just so you could save your son?! Unforgivable!" Falan shouted in rage.

"Calm down, Falan" Arba said as she looked at Ithnan

"Calm down?! That child is alive! I will kill him myself. Yes, that's the only way"

"You're not harming him. We could use him. If turns out to be even just half as strong as Solomon, or a magi like Sheba, we could use him" Arba walked towards Falan

"What better circumstances than his own son destroying what he had fought for for so long" Ithnan added

"You better be sure you know what you're doing. He is the son of Solomon, you can't be certain that he wouldn't find the truth about himself and turn against us" - Falan

"Let him discover the truth. We've altered it anyway. Even Sheba's history with Kou will destroy her reputation" Arba smiled slyly.

Falan glared at her two 'friends' and left. She needed to think so she let herself be carried away by the direction of the wind. She flew in a random direction and sighed. She closed her eyes as she remembered...


"Everyone! I have an announcement to make!" A pink haired woman shouted giddily. Her smile was so wide and it was obvious that she couldn't hold back her excitement.

Few moments later after she announced the news. They were all staring at the couple blankly. They blinked, and then blinked again, and blinked again.

"Your pregnant?!" Everyone said in unison

"That's right!" Sheba said

"That's great news aru! And Tess here can be his big brother aru!" Falan cheered as she hugged her friend and queen tight.

"Yay! But I prefer to have a sister though" Tess smiled as he ran to his aunt and hugged her. Sheba had to kneel down for the boy to hug her properly though.

"They will always be by each other's side. They would protect each other and be the best of friends. Just like all of us" Sheba smiled and everyone nodded.

"Couldn't have said it better myself" Setta commented.

"Right on the money!" Wahid said

"So what are you going to call it?" Ugo asked

Sheba turned to her friend and pouted. "My child is not an 'it', Ugo"

"Ahhh. Yes, right! Sorry"

"So? What's the child's name?" Asked Ithnan

"Well..." Sheba smiled as she placed her hands in her stomach

"Tell us" Falan insisted

"Not yet~" Sheba just smiled and received a hug from Falan who was really happy for her.


"Funny... Why am I even remembering these things now. It's not like it matters anyway" Falan shook her head and left Kou.

She went back to Parthevia and continued her mission. She was the mastermind of the human experimentation in the empire. She wanted to make the empire stronger to actually take on Alma Torran.

That place was a curse to her and she wanted nothing more than tp destroy it, she wouldn't mind taking the world with it.

She has no reason to live anymore. She lost herself after everything that she had been through. She actually didn't know what she must do, she just wanted to end everything. And so, she will summon Illah back into this world.

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