Just Who?

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The boy felt nostalgic in hearing that voice. The very voice that he kept hearing in his dreams. The one who spoke ever so sweetly everytime he hears her.

Aladdin could not fathom what was going on and he himself could not understand what exactly was he feeling. Tears started streaming down his face. Slowly, he tried to reach out to the figure and as he went nearer, the bright light started to fade.

Everyone opened their eyes to see what was happening and what they saw made them numb. They could not understand and they could not feel a thing. To be precise, they didn't know how to feel.

One in particular was shocked that he could not even move. He wanted to say something but he could not move his mouth. He wanted to reach out but he couldn't lift a finger, and it is not because of his severe injuries. He couldn't even feel it already. Solomon just stayed there, dumbfounded.

The person who just appeared was very much confused at first. She was blinded by the light and when everything cleared up, she looked around. She saw very familiar people. Her gaze went around the room and landed on a certain someone. That small boy who looks so much like his father.

She could not believe her eyes. She started to tear up as she smiled at the boy. Aladdin looked straight at her with confusion in his eyes.

"Q-queen... She... Ba..."

It was Aladdin who uttered those words. Almost immediately, the person's eyes widen and her smile broke. She was shocked and hurt at what she heard. "Queen Sheba?" She murmured to herself as she tried to process the words she heard.

"I-is it really you, Sheba?" Ugo stepped forward as he looked at her. 'It's her rukh for sure...' He thought.

The woman just looked at Ugo but did not speak.

Slowly, Solomon got up, holding his body as he tried to gather his strength. Setta helped him up. The woman then turned her head to him and looked him straight in the eyes.

Solomon thought that if ever he'd see Sheba, then it'd be the time that he'd die. Also, he expected her to have that usual cheerful attitude and welcome him with warmth.

But it wasn't near that.

He looked at the person in front of him and her face showed so much emotions. The only thing is that those are all negative emotions. He saw pain, sadness, and anger in her and this made him doubt who was in front of him. "Sheba..." He called out.

The woman breathed out a heavy sigh and looked at Solomon with contempt in her eyes. Finally, she spoke...

Solomon had been wanting to hear that voice once more but this reunion and the words she said broke his heart.

"Solomon Jehoahaz Abraham... How dare you! I will kill you! If it's the last thing I do, I promise you! I will kill you!"

"Borg Al-Samm". Dragon heads started to appear and charged at Solomon. He was caught off guard and has not yet regained his strength so he got hit by her attack. Solomon winced at the pain he felt as he stumbled back.

The woman looked unfazed. She attacked once more but this time. Ithnan and Wahid blocked her off. Then Setta joined in. The three didn't attack her but stayed on the defensive side.

Falan and Ugo rushed up to Aladdin and Tess.

The woman then turned and saw Aladdin. Falan was ready to protect the boys but stopped when she saw the look in her face.

Falan saw Sheba. It's her. A mother knows.

Sheba fell to her knees as she started to cry. Loudly.

"Solomon... How could you?! Why are you hurt so badly? Why do you look like you're about to die? Why is Aladdin hurt, and has scratches over his body."

"She shouted but she never looked at the man she was talking too. She covered her face with her hands as tears flowed down her face. Her breathing was unstable and her heart felt like it was slowly being torn apart. She felt that she could not breath at all.

Her whole body was numb and trembling and she didn't know nor care what she looked like. She was so broken. Seeing Solomon and Aladdin's state, she felt weak suddenly. Hearing them speak ripped her heart bit by bit.

Slowly, Solomon approached Sheba. He, almost likely dragged his body towards her as he reached out to touch her.

Sheba slapped away his hands and glared at the man before her accompanied with the words "I hate you".

Sheba looked down once more as she tried her best to stop crying.

Solomon flinched at the words directed to him but chose to ignore it. He just wanted to confirm his hope. He wanted to know if it really was real. If it was really Sheba and if it wasn't all just but an illusion or a dream.

He reached out once more and wiped the  tears in Sheba's face. "I'm sorry"

Sheba looked up with bloodshot eyes. She cried too much and is still crying. "I-I hate... You".

"I'm sorry." Solomon cupped her cheeks as he rested his forehead on hers. "I'm sorry" he repeated. "It's all my fault".

Sheba started to cry more as Solomon pulled her in to a tight embrace.

It wasn't a dream. She wasn't a fake. And it wasn't an illusion. All of it, everything is real. It's real.

Aladdin just stood there. He didn't know how to react and he didn't know what to say. And even if he did, he could not bring himself to move.

Falan was worried. Aladdin did not move an inch and never spoke since earlier. The only change in his movement was on how tighter his grip became on her clothes. He was shaking slightly as he watched Sheba cry and Solomon comfort her.

"Aladdin..." Falan said but the boy ignored her. Or more like, he didn't hear her.

Sheba calmed down after a few moments and when she heard Falan spoke, quickly she turned her head to the little boy.

He was staring at her. Sheba stood up as she walked slowly towards Aladdin. Towards her son.

She knelt in front of the boy as she reached to touch his face. Tears started streaming down her face once more. The only thing now is, it's tears of joy.

"Q-queen..." Aladdin started.

Sheba shook her head as she continued to look at Aladdin with a very warm smile in her face.

"Aladdin it's me" she said. "It's me, your mother"

Aladdin's eyes widen but not because it was something he didn't expect, he was just confused.

"M-mother? "

Sheba nodded her head. 'Mother', the words she longed to hear after almost 10 years. "Yes..." She responded.


"Yes, my dear Aladdin?"


Sheba hugged her son tightly as the two cried. Finally reunited, their emotions just exploded. They missed each other. Aladdin knew now. He knows what he feel. He knows what emotion that is. He missed her and he longed for his mother.

Solomon watched as the two most important people in the world for him cry in joy. He was blessed. How can he not be when only good things came. Even if he died today, he'd still be happy and content.

After that thought, his vision turned black and his consciousness faded.



Next chapter:

"Why isn't he waking up?!"

"Sheba... How are you alive?"
"I never died"

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