King Of Alma Torran

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"People of Alma Torran, I do not deserve to be your ruler..."

"I have caused you great heart ache for what I have done to your families. I apologize"

"My, King, please do not apologize!"
"You did nothing wrong!"
"We were on the wrong, please forgive us, king Solomon!"
"You saved our family and we turned our back on you, we were mistaken."

Shouts from the crowd were heard. They have understood everything that happened. When thinking about it, it wasn't them who suffered, it was Solomon. The one who truly perished seven years ago was Sheba and not their family. Solomon lost time as well while protecting his people and left his son. He was betrayed and hated for something he didn't even do.

Ugo stepped forward and everyone kept quiet. "We are gathered here today to present to you the ruler of Alma Torran from now on. The council and I have decided, but we'll ask you as well. Please decide, it was the only request of our king candidate."

Momo then took charge and read the scroll he was holding.

"Solomon Jehoahaz Abraham was accused of killing his citizens but were proved to be all lies. He is therefore innocent of all accusations. Not only is he innocent, he also saved Alma Torran and it's people countless times. He has always been just and loyal in ruling. A great king indeed."

"And so, we present to you, people of Alma Torran! King-candidate Solomon Jehoahaz Arbraham! We now ask you, who will be your next king?"

Everyone went quiet for a second and then one by one, people got down to their knees and bowed. When everyone was down, with a loud and unified shout from the people, they said "Please take the throne once more, King Solomon Jehoahaz Abraham!". Then all his magicians, subjects, Ugo and the others bowed to him. "King Solomon, rule this land once more. Please take the throne!"

"I vow, to continue, as I have done for the past years I have ruled, to protect and keep the peace in Alma Torran and it's people!" Solomon declared as he accepted the plea of all his people.

Ugo then crowned Solomon and presented him to the people. "All hail to the King of Alma Torran, King Solomon Jehoahaz Abraham!"

But that wasn't the only thing to be celebrated.

Solomon stood before the people as their King. Then, Aladdin appeared and stood in front of Solomon. "Ten years ago, my son had been born to this world but hasn't been presented in public. This is my son, Aladdin Jehoahaz Abraham, prince of Alma Torran. He was lost for those seven years but still found his way back to where he trully belongs."

Everyone applauded as they stared, commented, and observed the young boy, saying he looked so much like the queen and king.

"All hail, the prince of Alma Torran". Everyone greeted.

"From today forth, I present my son, not only as a prince, but as my heir to the throne."

Momo presented the crown to Solomon and the king crowned his Son.

"The heavens are smiling down upon the sun and crown prince of Alma Torran! All hail king Solomon Jehoahaz Abraham and crown prince Aladdin Jehoahaz Arbraham!"

The people shouted cheers as they joyfully welcomed and accepted their rulers and they'r return.

Everyone rejoiced. It has been so long ever since a joyful festival was held at Alma Torran and the people were going all out. Tess and Aladdin were both at the food section, adoring all the tasty looking food and tasting every dish.

Wahid was chowing down plate by plate of food at the table they're in while Falan talked to other leader of the tribes of Alma Torran. Ithnan was with Wahid, only, he had alcohol in his hands and not food and naturally, he was making fun of Ugo.

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