Magician With Nothing

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Ugo kept pacing around the library. "What do I do? What do I do?!" Ugo slammed the table as he thought of how he would tell Aladdin the truth. How to change his mindset about Solomon.

It's been a few days ever since Aladdin was brought to the palace. Ugo asked Tess to keep quiet first and he understood.

How could Ugo tell a young boy that he is a prince and his father was the one he thought was a cruel king.



Meanwhile, in the dining hall, Aladdin was being pampered.

"Beautiful miss, this dish is so delicious!" Aladdin said as he devoured one plate of food after another. The cook chuckled as she stared at the little boy before her.

"Really? The queen said the exact same thing back than. Haha" The cook smiled warmly.

"The queen?" Aladdin asked as he tilted his head.

"Yes. Years ago, everyone would gather in this dining hall and eat merrily. The queen always adored my cooking"

"Is it queen Sheba?"

"That's right! Our beloved late queen is none other than the lady Sheba"

"Im curious. How does she look like" Aladdin was really glad he found someone who now actually knows Sheba.

He wanted to know about the three people he dreamt about. And now,

"Now that I look closely... You look like..." The cook started


"N-never mind... Here. Do you want more of the soup?"

"Yes please!" Aladdin gleefully responded.


Aladdin felt very comfortable in this place. He felt secure. He felt happy whenever he was at the dining hall. He stays at a guest room right now and Ugo repeatedly told him not to enter two certain rooms.

Though he was curious, he obeyed and never even got near those rooms. He was stuck at the palace since Ugo begged him to stay but now, he was bored.

He pestered Tess to accompany him to roam around the kingdom and eventually, Tess gave in.

It was really crowded since it was the founding of a certain orphanage from long years ago. They celebrate this each year up until now.

"Stay close Aladdin. You might get lost"

Tess turned around to check on the little boy but he was not there. Tess looked around and no sign of Aladdin.

"Aladdin!" Tess called out as he let out a long sigh. 'Lost Again' he thought as he recalled the times when Aladdin was still two and he got lost several times. Tess had to deal with Sheba and Falan's lectures of being a proper big brother while he had to deal with his father and uncles' constant reminder of NOT leaving the palace

Meanwhile, among the crowd, Aladdin ended up in a very secluded pace. It was quite near a cliff. He looked around and sat under the tree. He looked at the trunk and saw names carved in it. He read it 'Eva, Korutoku, Gyokuen'. Aladdin was shocked to have read the name of Gyokuen. "Who are these people..." Aladdin mumbled.

"Try asking the one who wrote it. Aru."

Aladdin turned around and saw a woman who had clothes of an imperial magician. Her face was covered with only her eyes revealing. She had green eyes which reminded Aladdin of a certain someone.

"Black rukh" Aladdin realized that the woman before him was a magician and that she had fallen. He stayed on his guard

"How cute. With the state you are in now, you don't stand a chance little boy"

"Who are you, miss?"

"Oh. You mean to tell me that you stayed here and yet, Ugo haven't told you a single thing yet?"

"You know uncle Ugo?"

"Aladdin, my little boy, why do you call Ugo, uncle but not even know my name. It's quite offensive, you know"

"I'm not really Aladdin"

"Yes, I've heard. You really don't know yourself but I do know you. I'm your aunt Falan. And I can help you know who you are"

"Why have you fallen into depravity?"

"Oh? You're changing topic? Are you not interested in your parents? Why you are an orphan?"

"I'm fine aunt Falan"

Falan's eyes widened at the words of the little boy before him. She quickly brushed away the mixed emotions she felt on the boy and smiled.

"Have you ever seen the face of king Solomon?"

"No. I just heard of him"

"Why don't you try looking around the palace. I'm sure you'll learn more about yourself other than the one's you've been searching for"

"I promised Ugo I won't."

"Why? Ugo is just some pawn who has no self will. You don't have to do what he says. He's nothing but a moving puppet"

"Aunt Falan..." Aladdin started as he looked at the fallen magician in front of him. He already figured out she was part with the organization.

"Your rukh is becoming restless." Aladdin had a warm and concerned gaze showing in his eyes. Almost like, his gaze shows compassion. This reminded Falan of the gaze of the one who had the same face as the little boy. The kind and innocent expression, they look exactly the same.

Suddenly, Falan started to get weaker. She didn't know why. The kind expression of the boy is making her so confused on what she must feel.

"Your confused. Are you hurting?" Aladdin tried to reach out for her but Falan immediately backed away and pushed Aladdin with magic

"Stay away! Stop saying those words with that tone in your voice. Don't look at me with that gaze, having that face. You know nothing!" Falan lost her cool for the very first time after she had become cold and heartless. She was then reminded of the day she lost her son and husband.

"Tess... Tess... Tess!" Falan's memory came flashing back to her. What she didn't realize was that Aladdin saw her memories too.

"Big brot..." Aladdin mumbled but was suddenly attacked by Falan.

"You are not worthy of saying his name. You're alive and he died!"

Falan took a deep breath and just looked at Aladdin coldly. "Your lucky the organization still needs you. If not, I would've killed you here and now"

And with that, Falan disappeared.

Few moments later Tess came running towards Aladdin.

"Where have you been?! I've been looking all over for you?!"

Aladdin didn't respond and just stared at Tess. At that moment, he understood. 'They do look alike' Aladdin thought

"Big brother, I wanna go back". The tone on Aladdin's voice was full pf sadness. Like he was about to cry. Tess noticed this and carried his little brother in his back.

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