Weak Body, Strong Magic

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"This will be much easier than I thought"

"How so, master?"

"The little boy is very very interested in strong magic, so why not let him have a taste?"

"As you wish"

"I wonder, what would happen to someone if give too much magoi. Will they burst?"


In the streets of Alma Torran, two boys who were undercover walked side by side in the busy market.

"Brother, I want that" Aladdin pointed at the watermelons in the stall and that is where they went. They bought a lot and ate them. Some vendors found the two boys so cute and charming that they gave them food and things for free.

"This is so relaxing! Finally!" Tess exclaimed as he was not able to go out for a few days now, both of them did.

"Brother Tess..." Aladdin tugged on Tess' clothes as he lead them to a certain man who sells peculiar things.

Aladdin was intrigued with a certain book the man was holding. It was a book but what got his interest was the title. 'Spells beyond the rukh'.

Tess was having a bad feeling about the man but ignored it when he saw how his little brother's eyes were sparkling.

"Ah, young man. Is there something that piqued your interest?" The vendor asked.

"What's that book mister? Are there really magic that can be casted without the concept of the rukh and magoi?" The boy asked.

"Who knows... Why don't you find out yourself?" The man took the book and handed it to Aladdin. "Here, you seem very interested in it so why don't you take it?"

Aladdin looked at the and was about to reach for it but stopped. "In exchange for what?"

"Your necklace seems very interesting. Can I have it instead?" The man smiled.

Aladdin took an step back and held on to his necklace like he felt that it was about to be grabbed and stolen from him. "Sorry mister, I'd rather not. Have a good day then"

The two boys left and headed back to the palace. In the garden, they sat and talked about what happened earlier.

"Something's weird about that grandpa."

"I feel malice within that man but his rukh, it's pure. Or more like, white in color but is impure." - Tess

Aladdin looked at Tess and nodded his head in agreement. He hasn't fallen into depravity but his rukh... That's when Aladdin realized... He didn't see his rukh

He should be able to see it since he us technically a magi, but he didn't. He just felt that the man had white rukh.

'Could this be related to the other dimension? Is he not from this world then since his has no rukh?' Aladdin thought about this concept and the book he saw back then until night fall.

After dinner, everyone retired and so did Aladdin. Nothing was out of the ordinary except that Solomon was not there since he was busy.

Although Aladdin could not yet see Solomon as his father, nor call him as such, he still wanted to be with him. Even just meal times. He just felt safe and kind of happy when the king was there. The others comforted him because of Solomon's absence.

Aladdin was now in front of his room and when he looked at the next door, it was locked. Solomon was still out. He sighed and reached for the knob but before he could enter, a servant approached him.

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