The Spell That Took Her Away

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It was just another day in the kingdom of Alma Torran. Solomon and the others are busy with their diplomatic affairs and Aladdin is with Ugo, studying.

"I've created so many theories that makes up the foundation of our current magic system and it was Solomon who made it into a reality. Ever since he defeated illah years ago.

"Did you get all that?" Ugo laughed nervously as he concluded the lesson with Aladdin.

"Uncle... Is king Solomon the only who is strong enough to do the spells you've theorized?" Aladdin asked out of curiosity.

"Anyone could actually do it but it depends on the power that the spell requires". Ugo explained confidently

"Queen Sheba did a spell..." Aladdin murmured as he recalled what they told him. 'The queen died because she could not handle the spell, and to top it off, it was risky and incomplete'

Ugo's eyes almost popped out as heard what the boy has said. His heart felt like it was being squeezed as he clutched his clothes to where his heart was tight. "It's my fault" he whispered to himself. He looked at Aladdin, the boy has his brows furrowed and his face held so many emotion. And not one of them is positive. What Ugo saw was anger, sadness, and confusion in the boys face.

A tear started to stream down Ugo's face which did not go unnoticed by Aladdin.

Aladdin was taken aback by Ugo's actions and quickly went to his uncle. "U-Uncle Ugo... What... Why?..."

"I'm sorry Aladdin. If only I was stronger. No, if only I would have completed the spell, then she'd still be alive. This is all my fault"

"Uncle Ugo." Aladdin said with determination in his voice. If Ugo did not know better, it was like Solomon speaking with authority in his voice. "We told you many times and we all will tell you how many times it would need to make you realize it's not your fault"

After comforting Ugo, Aladdin walked back to his room. "It's strange..." Aladdin thought. "Is queen Sheba really dead? Then is it her rukh that protected me?"

Aladdin recalled all the times that the borg al samm was activated. He was sure it was not him and definitely, it did not come from his magoi.

Aladdin looked at his necklace. 'I have to find out.'

Aladdin immediately ran to his room and grabbed a few things and rushed to where Ugo was. He barged in the library only to see Ugo, Setta, Wahid, and Ithnan.  "Uncle Ugo", he yelled.

"What's up, kiddo?" Ithnan asked as he stared at the panting boy before them

"Teach me the spell".

"What spell is he talking about?" - Setta

"Yeah. And why do you look like your in a rush or something, Aladdin?"

"Uhhh..." Aladdin scratched the back of his head as he tried to ponder and think of an excuse. "I'm talking about the spell to o-open... D-dimensions..." Aladdin trailed off.

"Ah! That spell. Sure why not... WHAT THE HECK?!" Wahid shouted.

"Aladdin, that spell isn't something that's worth it" Setta explained.

"But... It's complete now. Uncle Ugo fixed it! I want to learn it" The boy insisted.

"Hey, kid. I know you want to be strong but this spell... Nuh-uh. Ain't happening" Wahid said as he shook his head.

"Aladdin" It was now Ugo who spoke. "This spell, even if it is complete, is quite cursed in a way since it killed someone. I hate this spell. And even if you are to learn it, your not strong enough, not yet.

Aladdin walked away defeated, but little did the magicians know that Aladdin was determined. 'I just can't accept this easily. I may not know why, but I'll see this spell and analyze it.'


Night has fallen in the kingdom and a certain boy sneaked out with a scroll in hand. He quickly but quietly sneaked out of the palace and went to the nearby cliff which he recently discovered that it was a special place of the queen.

He tried his best, but it was not enough. Solomon, while speaking with Ithnan, Wahid and Ugo, saw Aladdin sneaking out so they followed him quietly. Curious.

"Aladdin will never do this!" Ugo shout-whispered.

"Well, he just did" Ithnan said, earning a glare from Ugo.

"Maybe it is his way of coping up..." Wahid said. "Falan was worried since Aladdin was quite acting strange.

"He misses Sheba, or shall I say he wants to atleast meet her. But he does not know why feels that way so he just denies it." Solomon explained.

Everyone looked at him with shocked faces. 'So he actually understands his son' was what they thought.

Aladdin layed the scroll flat to the ground and began to study it. He read every little detail, internalizing all information.

"Wow, I can't believe he can actually understand all those nonsense" Ithnan commented.

"It's not nonsense! You're just the one who does not appreciate it's value!" Ugo defended.

"Oh yeah! For all I know, that thing did no one any good!"

Ithnan and Ugo began to argue and the others tried to stop them. Soon enough, they realized that they became too noisy and forgot that they should have been observing Aladdin. The older men slowly turned their heads to where the little boy was and as expected, Aladdin was already in front of them.

"Uncles... King Solomon... "

Wahid cleared his throat and Solomon quickly stood up, fixing his posture to try to save face in front of his son. He's easily embarrassed.

"We were worried since we saw you going out late at night" Solomon said as he cleared his throat and started to walk back to the palace. "Let's go back"

The others followed and so did Aladdin.

"You're not going to scold me?" The little boy suddenly asked. "I know uncle Ugo won't, but aren't you mad?"

Solomon stopped at his tracks and sighed heavily. Without turning to look at the boy, he spoke. "There's nothing to be mad about. Let's just go back"

Ugo carried Aladdin in his back and the little boy fell asleep. After entering the palace, Solomon took Aladdin and tucked him to bed. He looked at the little boy and it stirred an unpleasant feeling inside him.

'Am I becoming like David now?'
'It just keeps getting worse'

His son stirred in his sleep which snapped him out of his thoughts. He stroked the little boy's hair from his face.

"No, I won't be like him. I'd rather end my life here and now than to treat you like how my father treated me. I'm sorry"

With that, Solomon left. Little did he know that the boy was awake.

"The king... keeps on apologizing for no reason..." Aladdin murmured to himself. Every night, every time he speaks, Solomon kept saying those two words to him... "I'm sorry". Aladdin was aware but he wasn't sure exactly why, maybe because he left when he was a child, maybe because he does not know how to be a father as he claimed, maybe because Sheba was gone... Aladdin was not sure but maybe it's all that. The reason why he kept apologizing.

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