Father And Son, Again

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The sun has risen in the kingdom of Alma Torran and a certain someone swore that he'd fix what he broke in this very day.

"Are you excited, Aladdin?" Sheba asked as she buttoned her son's clothes.

"Mom... Can I just, stay?" Aladdin asked hopefully but his mother just shook her head and smiled warmly.

"Aladdin, do you hate your father?"

The boy looked at Sheba with disbelief and quickly shook his head.

"Then, don't you want to be with him?"

"I want to... " Aladdin answered almost in a whisper.

"I thought so." She said as she called her son to sit down beside her. "Solomon, your dad, was actually very nervous when he asked you to go with him."

"He was?"

"Mhm. He planned everything out from start to finish just to make sure it will go perfectly. I know your father hurt you with how he thinks and he really does want to apologize and make it up to you. He just isn't that good at it" Sheba explained

Aladdin fell silent with what he was hearing. 'I thought it wasn't that big of a deal to him so he just ignored it' the little boy thought.

"You're actually quite the same. You two looked like you didn't know how to interact with each other, that is why you need this trip. Of course you're still better than Solomon"


"Because you're my son, of course. Sweetie, your mom is the best people's person. I can get along with anyone" Sheba boasted.

"Can't you just come with us then?"

"Someone has to stay in the Kingdom, sweetheart. But if things settle down, I promise, we'll go on a trip. The three of us together." Sheba encouraged her son and just in time, a knock on the door was heard.

A servant told Sheba that it was time and that Solomon was waiting on the carriage.

Sheba and Aladdin hopped in where Solomon was waiting.

Solomon was silent and so, being the person that she is, Sheba looked at her husband and gestured for him to say something to their son.

Solomon thought of something to say but it wasn't the smoothest. "Hey kiddo. You look great" was what he could come up with.

"Thanks mister" Aladdin was flustered and he was caught off guard with the compliment that he blurted out words that he was used to reply when he receives a compliment.

'M-mister?' Solomon thought as he tried to figure out why his son would call him that. He calls me king but never mister. 'Does he hate me now?!'.

"S-sorry... " Aladdin apologized but Solomon stopped him

"No! I mean, call me whatever you like. I don't mind..."

"Yes sir" was the only thing Aladdin could say.

Sheba faced palm herself and shook her head. 'I don't this is going to work out' she thought.


The father and son duo now stood on a ship, watching as Sheba waved goodbye to them. Solomon had business at Sindria so he made it a trip for both him and Aladdin. He promised himself he'd finish work quickly to spend time with his son. Wahid and Ugo were with them on this trip.

It takes five days for them to arrive at Sindria so each of them got busy. Solomon along with Ugo prepared all the paper works needed during this meeting. Wahid was above deck, making sure that everything is under control.

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