The Aftermaths

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     A week has passed since Sheba returned but their days was not filled with a happy reunion.

"Why isn't he waking up?!" Sheba was frustrated at the sight before her. Solomon lies unconscious ever since he fainted that day and his wounds were slow to recover even though they combined all healing spells.

His physical condition was better than when he fainted but his rukh barely returned, if not, it did not return at all. He was like a soulless body at that time.

Ugo was stuck at his lab, researching for a way to 'heal' Solomon along with Setta. Falan was there to simultaneously use healing spell at Solomon along with Sheba. Ithnan and Wahid went to other kingdoms to deal with diplomatic meetings that Solomon currently could not attend.

Tess and Aladdin are currently sleeping in Aladdin's room. They too are exhausted. It was chaos in the palace but it has to be kept a secret at the moment.

"Sheba, I think you should go rest for a while. You haven't slept for days." Falan said out if concern for her friend.

"No... I can't." Sheba fell on her knees and tears started to well up in her eyes. "Why... Are we really fated to suffer? I wanted to come back so badly to be with the both of them. Can't we really all be safe and happy?"

Falan watched as Sheba cried. She recalled how she hated her back then and wished to cause her suffering by killing Aladdin. Now, she didn't even know how to comfort her. She felt ashamed. This was the time Falan realized what revenge could have made her feel. If she succeeded at her revenge, she'd loath herself so much that she might have killed herself soon after. 'It wasn't worth it, afterall. It never was', Falan thought.

"The sun is up, and it's about time that the boys woke up. Why don't you go check on them?" Falan suggested as she helped Sheba stand.

Sheba nodded, wiped her tears, and went to fix her haggard state before going to see Aladdin. She saw that the door was open so she just entered. Tess got up early and left, leaving Aladdin to sleep by himself.

"Aladdin... Wake up Aladdin... Your father's waiting for us"

"Is he still sleeping?"

"Oh! I didn't notice you there. Well... Look at him"

"Aladdin... Aladdin..."

Aladdin stirred and pulled his blanket to cover his head. 'It's been so long since I had this dream... Why now?' He thought. He turned to his side to sleep somemore when he heard someone call him.

"Aladdin. It's time to wake up..."

Aladdin quickly sat up and turned to see his mother, stting on the side of the bed with her usual warm smile.

Then he noticed. He noticed that her face wasn't as lively as it was. He noticed that she had black circles underneath her eyes. He noticed that the bones in her wrist was sticking out. He noticed that her rukh was lacking in life. But he didn't want to point it out, because be that as it may, he still saw that her smile was genuine. That she really was happy to be with him and that her rukh was filled with love towards him.

"Mom..." He whispered as he was not yet used to calling her that.

Sheba gave him a warm smile and gestured for him to rise and follow her. Both mother and son went to the dining hall where everyone else  was. Back then, it used to be awkward but after sone time, it became lively. Now, it became quiet and unbearable.

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