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"Mom! Where are you?! Mom!"

Tess was in the middle of the battle field, looking for Falan while battling his way through.

Alma Torran was being pushed back and Arba's forces are advancing. If this continues, Alma Torran will be destroyed.

"Mom!" Tess kept calling out until...

"My, my. How have you been, little boy?"

Tess turned to see the owner of the familiar voice that he heard.

"Aunt... Arba..."

"So you do remember me. Did you miss me?"

"If I tell you I didn't, will you leave?"

"Ha-ha." Arba chuckled then quickly, her expression turned cold. "How.Cute."

"Where's my mother?"

Arba smiled slyly then started to murmur. With 'her' staff, she directed her attack at Tess. Tess was pushed back but did not feel any pain. He just felt... Weird...

"Now, all that's left is to bring you to Falan... Hmmm. Unfortunately I don't know where she is"

"Aunt Arba, you were all so close back then"

"Tess, dear. That was back then. All this, from the very beginning, even before Solomon was born, everything has been decided"

With that, Arba left and headed straight to Aladdin. Tess had become more busy fighting. The eyes that were directed on him now is full of hostilities and anger. It was all weird.

Tess was reaching his limit and was pushed to the ground. He shut his eyes tight as he tried his best to stand up and continue fighting.

He was facing the ground, arms supporting his body as to not fall. "You're the one. The cause of all this chaos. The child who should have died instead of many others"

Tess' eyes widened as he heard a hostile voice from behind him. The enemy then gathered as much rukh and aimed his staff at Tess when suddenly...

"Leave him"

The voice Tess was longing to hear for how many years. The voice that calmed him when he was upset. The sweet sweet voice that he's used to hear. The voice he loves.

"M-mo...ther...?" Tess breathed out.

"I finally found you"

Tess was overjoyed that his mother recognized him.

"Wait... She knows...?" Tess looked

But before he could even talk or think, Falan attacked him. Spell after spell until his borg broke. Tess was pushed back and hit the ground. He couldn't and would never attack his mother, but he was confused, why is Falan attacking him?

"Die, die like everyone else. You don't deserve to live, none of you does!" Falan shouted as she gazed coldly at the boy in front of her.

"Mom..." Tess could not understand what was happening, but he was certain of one thing...

"Mom, I love you. And I missed you very very much"

Falan lifted her staff and aimed it at Tess and without even blinking an eye, with the full intention to kill, using her life magic, she casted a spell that went right straight to her son....

Tess didn't waver but he didn't dodge either. He couldn't. As he watched his death draw closer, large flames ignited in front of him, cancelling Falan's spell.

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