King Sinbad

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The three arrived at the palace where they met a white-haired man who was wearing the same robe as the others. "Jafar! Look at what we found!" Sharrkan said while waving at the so-called Jafar.

"He's not a thing, idiot!" Yamuraiha scolded him

"Awweee. Who's this? Such cute little boy" A woman with large build came and knelt down and smiled at Aladdin. She had sky blue hair, braided in two.

"Hi miss, mister Jafar, my name's Aladdin! I'm a traveller!" Aladdin introduced himself.

"And I'm aunt Rurumu. Nice to meet you. Oh you must be hungry, come, let's go eat. Sharrkan, Yamuraiha, Jafar, let's go and I won't take no for an answer. Everyone must eat" Rurumu smiled and took the boy's hand, leading him to the dining hall where everyone else was sitting. Even the king.

Aladdin took a sit beside Rurumu and Yamuraiha. Everyone was staring at thw boy but did not dare ask question until the king finally did. "Who's this?" He asked, smiling at the boy.

"Apparently, he came to Sindria alone with no one to help him so I was wondering if he could stay, just for a little while" Yamraiha was unsure of what to say. The truth is she really wants to know why the rukh around Aladdin seems off. Of course she was concerned too, but she was more curious.

The king rose his brow then shrugged. "Well then, Aladdin is it? Sindria welcomes you! Surely you've heard of me, I am Sinbad!" His tone was confident, judging by his tone, he was proud of who he was but....

Aladdin blinked two times staring blankly at the man. "Wow uncle Sinbad! That's cool!" The little boy said, forcing an enthusiastic expression as to not disappoint the man.

"That's right! Im the coolest" Sinbad proudly said

"But uncle... What makes you cool?" Aladdin, who had no idea who Sinbad was, asked innocently as if it were a normal question that anyone would ask.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Even children knows Sinbad. His story has been published for children's books. How the heck did this boy not know?

"E-eh? Surely you've heard of the mighty Sinbad!"

"E-eh?" Aladdin had no idea

"The high..."

"High...?" Aladdin repeated, trying to think. "I think I've read that before..."

"Uhuh. I know everyone knows me"

"It was something like high seas of the seven kings or something" Aladdin, with a furrowed brow, said with his hand on his chin.

Sinbad was speechless. That has got to be the most embarrassing thing he encountered. He was so proud of introducing himself only to find out that the kid had no idea who he was. He even got his title wrong!

"I-its high king of the seven seas..." Sinbad was so disappointed. Never had he ever felt so unpopular.

"Oh. I never really got into that book" Aladdin was rubbing the back of his head. He felt bad about how he made that uncle feel. "So you were that one..."

"This room's being filled with too much awkwardness. Lighten up! You know, Sinbad is really not that popular so there's no need to worry Aladdin!" A man, who was dressed like a night and had red hair with bangs covering his eye tried to cheer the boy up.

"Sure..." Sinbad glared at Mystras before looking at Aladdin with a forced smile on his face. "Well then, let me introduce my comrades.

"Yamuraiha, as you know, is a magician who came from Magnostadt"

"Sharrkan, prince of Heliohapt"

"Pisti of Artemyura"

"Mystras of Sasan

"Jafar, Vitel, and Mahad. And this muscular man over here is Masrur. Appearances aside, he is a very nice. This one is drakon(human form) and with his wife, Saher"

"You know Rurumu, and this is her husband, Hinahoho."

"And I'm Sinbad. Just plain old Sinbad" the king murmured.

Everyone ate and talked with each other. They asked several questions to the boy like who his parents are, why is he alone, how old was he, but he didn't answer most of them. Surprisingly, they let it slide and not insist.

Everyone went their separate ways to do their duties and Aladdin was offered a room to stay where he accepted it immediately. He rested and is now fast asleep.

Meanwhile, in the meeting room, Yamraiha was summoned by her king to ask her about a certain thing.

"You summoned me, my king?"

"What's special about that boy?"


"You brought him here for a reason Yamraiha. What is it?"

"Ah yes. I felt that the rukh that surrounds him feels strange. And that there are so many. It's like, they favor him. I don't understand it just yet but I'm sure I'll figure it out"

"The boy is a magician?"

"Yes, but I don't think he knows it just yet, with your permission King Sinbad, I will teach him"

"I don't see why not. Aladdin seems willing to learn. If I could help by allowing you to teach him, then it would be my pleasure".

Yamuraiha left with a contented feeling and was now excited. 'What should I teach him first?! This is so exciting!' She thought as she headed back to her room to prepare her first lesson with Aladdin.


Meanwhile, in another kingdom:

"Master Uraltugo, isn't it about time that we give up... Please, take the throne."

"We can't give up! The prince is out there and we will find him. I will find him even if it takes a life time. The throne is his and I will keep it safe. Safe from those who attempt to steal it."

"But we had made no progress master. Are we really sure he is alive. We may have been looking for someone who had died already"

"No. He is alive. I can feel it. Besides, I promised Sheba I'd take care of him. They'd never forgive me if I give up on their son. Solomon, Sheba, please watch over him until I find him."

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