They're Back!

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Solomon and the others are just a few hours away from home and were excited. Only, they had a guest with them.

"Hey chibbi! Are we there yet?" Judar asked while looking ahead, obviously seeing the kingdom but asked just to bother Aladdin.

"No, Judar." Aladdin simply answered.

Suddenly, a huge sea creature who breathes out fire emerged. It fired at their ship but was dispersed. Judar was astonished at the sight. 'What the heck. Was that magic?' He thought as he saw particles of the attack float.

Judar and Aladdin got ready to attack and defend the people when they both felt a tap on their shoulder.

It was Solomon. He elevated himself on the level of the creature and reached out to it. "I'm sorry we disturbed your rest" was what he said and this made it go back under water.

Wahid and Ugo were unimpressed since it was a normal thing to witness for them but everyone else on the ship was. Including Aladdin and Judar.

"I think your father isn't human" Judar voiced out. All he knows is how to fight. He doesn't even know how to resolve anything peacefully.

Solomon reached the ship and started ordering the crew to get ready. Lots of those creature recently came and were staying right below them. He wanted them to be alert.

"Dad's amazing..." Aladdin mumbled but was heard by Wahid. He grinned and ruffled the little boys hair.

"That's just how he is. But don't worry, I'm sure you'd be even better". Wahid encouraged.

"Of course. He both has Solomon and Sheba's genes. And we all know how great they are with people." Ugo added


"Aladdin!" was the first thing they heard. Sheba cake rushing to her son, giving him a tight hug. "Did you have fun? How was it?" Sheba babbled on, inquiring how the trip was. She held her son's hand and led him to the carriage waiting.

"Mom... " Aladdin tried to remind Sheba of a certain someone but was cut off by a servant greeting the young prince.

Solomon was now out of the ship and glanced around, only to find that the owner of the voice he heard was not there.

"Welcome back, uncle Solomon!" Tess greeted.

"I heard Sheba just a while ago. Where is she?" He inquired but the young lad just laughed in an awkward manner while rubbing the back of his head.

"Aunt Sheba went ahead with Aladdin... "

"Fuahahahaha! You've been forgotten, Solomon!" Wahid bursted out laughing at Solomon's state. The Sheba who could never remove Solomon on her mind has just forgotten about him.

"I guess so" was all Solomon could say. It was Ugo who tried to encourage his friend.

"I-I'm sure Sheba didn't mean to. Maybe she was just very worried about Aladdin"

*Back with Sheba and Aladdin*

"Let's head to the palace now" Sheba instructed the coachman  but before the carriage could even move, Aladdin shouted to stop.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Sheba asked out of concern.

"Mom... Aren't you forgetting something?"

"I don't think so sweetie. Did you forget something on the ship?"

Aladdin shook his head no. 'Is mom mad at dad? But I didn't even tell her about the mean lady. Did she find out and got angry?' The little boy thought.

Despite the conflict going on in Aladdin's mind, he still asked his mother. "What about dad?"

"What about hi.......mmmmmm... Oh My Gosh!" Sheba shouted as she quickly got off and told Aladdin to stay put and wait.

*Back To Solomon And The Others*

"Let's just go" Solomon said as he tried to ignore the loud laughter coming from Wahid. He picked up the bag that contained the books he and Aladdin bought from Sindria. He only took a few steps when he heard a loud call on his name and saw a certain pink haired woman running towards him.

"Solomon!" Sheba shouted as she threw herself on to him. He catched her with ease and returned her embrace.

"Hm. I think even something that's forgotten can still be remembered" Solomon thought out loud which made Sheba flinch.

"I'm sorry. I was just too excited to see Aladdin" Sheba apologized, still clinging on Solomon.

She finally let go and the two started to walk their way to Aladdin.

"You know Sheba, when you hugged me a while ago I felt something"

Sheba's face turned red at the comment of her husband. 'Will he seriously say he misses me?!' She thought

"W-what?" She asked bashfully.

"I felt like you've gained weight"

Sheba stopped on her tracks and grabbed an apple on a nearby stall. She clenched it with her fist and with all her might, threw it at the man she wanted to kill at the moment.

Solomon catched the apple while smiling at the angry face his adorable wife was making.

Sheba stomped her way to the carriage, leaving Solomon behind.

Solomon quickly paid the vendor of the apple and ran after Sheba. Their ride back to the palace was a quiet one. One was silent because he enjoyed looking at the two most important people in his life. The other was silent because he might just trigger the explosion of his mother's wrath, and one was silently fuming.

Aladdin was the first one to get out when they finally arrived at the palace. Sheba and Solomon followed after. They started bickering about how Solomon didn't even seem to miss her and how she forgot that he was with Aladdin when they returned.

"King Solomon, welcome back" his generals greeted. Falan, Setta, and Ithnan were lined up to greet their king and friend.

"Good to be back!" Wahid shouted as he entered the room with his followed by Ugo and then Judar.

"Judar?" Falan was wondering why the priest of Kou and also Al Thamen was there.

"It's the old hag!" Judar said when he noticed Falan "And this dude as well" +referring to Ithnan)

*WHACK* "That is not how you like, talk to someone older, aru!" Falan reprimanded him. Falan, although for just a short time, was the one who took care of Judar when he was very young.

Solomon stepped up to introduce the guest who came with them. "Everyone, this is Judar. As you all know, he is the magi residing at Kou empire. He came as a guest so let's all try to get along. And as for you, Judar, behave"

"I don't think I'd have fun here" was all Judar could say. He took a look around and noticed Sheba.

"What's the deal with you? You're so small like the chibbi and you seem like a magi too. But you can't be. There're only three" Judar, without any restraints, commented on Sheba's height.

"You shouldn't make mom mad. She's real scary when she gets mad." Aladdin warned.

Sheba was pissed. She wanted to teach the mannerless child a lesson right there and then. But, she tried to remain calm. She took a deep breath and calmed herself. Barely.

"Judar, was it? Now, why don't you get settled in" Sheba barely said it in a calm manner

Aladdin and Tess volunteered to show Judar where he would be staying just to keep him away from the adults.

After the kids were gone, Solomon turned to Sheba. "You get easily offended, Sheba."

Sheba glared at her husband and stomped away.

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