Getting To Know More

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The sun rises in the kingdom of Alma Torran and everyone started their busy day. Restoring and rebuilding was done, the coronation was done, alliances and trades have been made, all diplomats have returned and now, everyone is able to relax for the first time in the past weeks.

Ever since Solomon brought Aladdin to sleep in the room that was supposed to be his in the first place, he stayed as per 'order' of king Solomon. He was still unable to call him father all this time.

The little boy stretched his arms as he yawned loudly. He got out of bed as the maids entered to fix his room. At first, Aladdin was bothered by it, saying he doesn't want anyone 'serving' him but after Tess explained that they're not forced to and that they also do it for a living, Aladdin beared with it until he eventually got used to it. Aladdin was led to change to something appropriate since he will be starting his lessons.

Aladdin is intelligent but there's only an extent to what a ten year old boy could do. And his magic knowledge and strength are not enough. This led to Aladdin asking Solomon to be taught of all about Alma Torran and Magic.

It was evident that Solomon's eyes lit up when he heard that Aladdin wanted to learn so he immediately arranged it. He called on Momo to teach Aladdin history since Momo knows it well and tasked Ugo to teach Aladdin the principles of magic. He was not confident with Ugo teaching since he wasn't sure if Aladdin will be able to keep up but he had to let him try to know. 'I'm sure Aladdin will be able to keep up' Solomon thought.

Momo had explained all important and major details of history and he started with how Alma Torran came to be. He narrated the events on David's rule for a start.

After that, Aladdin rested and went to Ugo next. They stayed at the library located outside the main palace to study. Ugo elaborated on how the rukh was back then and about Ill Illah. He showed and explained to him the concept of magic before 10 years ago.

Aladdin got curious as to why the concept of rukh and magic changed 10 years ago to which Ugo answered that Solomon changed it.

This was news to Aladdin since he didn't know this. He only knew about the incident 7 years ago but not before that.

Their lessons continued with Aladdin having so much new discoveries. He showed Ugo all what he can do with his magic and Ugo took note of it.

Aladdin and Ugo then walked back to the palace and met Tess on the way. They asked him where he was going and he pointed down to the grounds. They looked and saw two person, sparring. "It's king Solomon and Ithnan" Ugo said.

Aladdin and Ugo joined Tess and went to the grounds. There they saw Setta and Wahid watching. "I didn't know king Solomon knew swordsmanship" Aladdin commented as he sat on the grass.

"He was the best among all of us. He was taught by Arba, and she's next to Solomon in terms of skills" Wahid enlightened the boy.

"I want to learn too! Papa, teach me!" Tess said as he pulled his father towards where the swords are and grabbed one. Wahid laughed and gave in to his son. A man should be able to learn swordsmanship in case magic was out of the question.

The father and son duo were now together with Wahid teaching and Tess trying his best to learn. As they started, Ithnan and Solomon decided to rest.

"That was great work-out" Ithnan said as he wiped of the sweat in his face.

Solomon followed and saw that Aladdin was there, though, his attention was elsewhere.

Aladdin was watching Tess and Wahid. Wahid scolding his son for his improper way of holding and swinging a sword. Tess trying his best to do it properly and if he did, Wahid would smile and praise his son.

'Wow. They're really happy. I'm so glad for big brother Tess,  when we met, all he wanted was to see his parents again' Aladdin thought as he watched them.

Solomon noticed this but he didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. It was Setta who asked.

"Aladdin, do you want to learn as well?"

"If so, I'm sure King Solomon could teach you. You're good at following examples so it would be fine if he were to demonstrate and you follow." Ugo added.

Aladdin looked at Ugo then at Solomon. Quickly he bowed his head and said with a soft voice "N-no, I'm fine" Aladdin said as he lifted his head and grinned to support his words. The adults weren't convinced though.

A few hours later Aladdin was walking through the hallway with an apple at hand.


Aladdin heard a familiar voice that came from the garden. He peeked a little and saw Tess with many bandages. He was with his mother, Falan, and she was patching him up while telling him over and over to be careful.

"I'm fine, mom. It doesn't really hu- Ouch!" Tess said as Falan bandaged up another cut.

"Why did you like, end up with so many cuts. You should've just used your borg, aru"

"But then I wouldn't be able to learn properly. Papa said it'd be great exercise and an improvement of the body, mind, and skill. If I don't know what it's like to get wounded and hurt, I won't grow"

"Fine, aru. I'll heal you once I've regained like, more strength and magoi aru."

"You should go rest mom, I know you're tired" Tess said out of concern for his mother as they both walked out of the garden to go and rest.

Aladdin watched the warm scene and it made him feel funny. He went to the garden and sat in the very center of it. He didn't understand what he felt all of a sudden.

Then Solomon appeared and Aladdin saw him. Quickly he stood up and bowed in respect. "Good afternoon, your majesty" he greeted. his necklace began to faintly glow. With this he felt warm and at peace. It was like the sun held him in a warm embrace. When he saw, he saw that he too, felt the warmth.

Solomon walked towards and sat beside him. Aladdin followed. For quite a while, no one spoke, it was then that Aladdin asked.

"King Solomon, do you miss the late queen?" Aladdin asked with eyes glued on the ground.

Solomon was taken aback by the question but he regained his composure and smiled, almost bitterly. "Everyday" was his response. "Did you want to meet her?" The king then asked his son

Aladdin shrugged his shoulders. "I guess so". They said she was a very warm person even if she's small. Uncle Wahid even said that although she's not that attractive, she's still very powerful too. I'm... Curious..."

"Sheba's... She's... A very loud and short tempered person. That's why everyone enjoys teasing her. She's also very expressive, optimistic, and never runs out for a reason to smile. I remembered the time when she was looking for a name for you."

Solomon looked above as he recalled the memories he shared with Sheba. 'If only you were still here. With me... With us' he thought

Aladdin hesitated but decided to gain courage and say what he wanted to. "I always get a funny feeling when I see brother Tess, uncle Wahid, and aunt Falan all together. I don't know what and why do I feel that way because I've never felt it before." The little boy yawned and lied down, he was tired. Without even a minute, Aladdin fell asleep as Solomon watched his son.

Unknowingly, a few tears started flowing down the great king Solomon's face. 'I'm sorry' was all he could say to his sleeping son. 'Maybe it's longing,  that you are feeling.

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