Yam Meets Her Idol

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The diplomatic talk between the two countries went on and the generals had their days off. Yamuraiha is currently at the town of Alma Torran, looking at the shops for her research and collection. She has been a fan of Alma Torran but since the country was kind of off-limits, she never got the chance to.

She observed every details of the kingdom from its barriers to the people and their way of living. She noticed that there are no slaves nor people who seem to not be well fed. 'They all seem equal. Just like Sindria' she thought.

She entered a certain shop that has piqued her interest. She looked around the large shop and her eyes lit up. Magic tools! That's what's in this shop and she loved every bit of it.

She chose everything that she had never seen even if she didn't know how to use it. She'll just figure it out afterwards. She walked to pay for the things she took and saw that someone was speaking to the person in charge so she waited. They were two men, one with purple hair and the other with skyblue hair, almost the same shade as hers.

She waited but a certain phrase made her attentive and listened to their conversation.

"Thank you, sir Uraltugo. We already had a team for producing more of the magic tools thanks to your layout." The shop keeper said to the blue haired man.

'Uraltugo...? I've heard that name before' Yamuraiha thought as she furrowed her brows, trying hard to remember.

Then it hit her.

"Ah!" Yamuraiha shouted as she pointed and stared at Ugo.

Ugo, Setta, and the shopkeeper looked at the one who screamed. Ugo saw that Yamuraiha was staring so he started to turn red in shyness and embarrassment then hid behind Setta.

"Y-yes, miss?" Ugo stammered. Ugo has always been shy when it comes to females.

"Y-y-your! Your!" Yam couldn't finish what she wanted to say.

"Miss" The shopkeepers interjected. "You shouldn't be pointing your finger at them. They're basically royalty.

"Sorry!" Yamuraiha realized her mistake and put her hand down. She then bowed immediately and apologized to the two and introduced herself.

"I apologize for my rude actions. I am Yamuraiha a member of the 8 generals of Sindria."

"Ah! You're with king Sinbad then?" Ugo asked, finally able to calm down. A little. Just so little.

"Why were shouting a while ago, miss Yamuraiha?" Setta then asked. Still confused as to why the lady had to shout and point at them.

"My apologies, but I am a magician. And, sir Uraltugo Noi Nueph, it's a great pleasure to meet you. I have always admired your magic tools and everything you have created and theorized about magic up until now. I've always wanted to meet you!"

Ugo turned beet red once more on the praises that he heard. 'Wow. Someone actually acknowledges my work' he thought. He continued to listen to Yamuraihas praises and when Yam stepped forward to shake his hand, he fainted. Yup, Ugo fainted because of too much acknowledgement.

"S-sir Uraltugo!" Yamuraiha shouted as she watched the man collapse and faint. Yamraiha panicked but stopped when she saw that the man with Ugo did nothing.

"Ugo! Wake up!" Setta shook his friend as he tried to wake him up. "Don't tell me you fainted over something like this. This is so not cool"


Night has fallen and Sinbad and his three generals joined Solomon and his companions. But Setta and Ugo were nowhere to be found. Sinbad was talking with Jafar while Sharrkan was getting pissed because of a drunk, crying, and noisy Yamraiha.

"Waaahhhh! I'm done for, he hates me now. Am I really that bad that he'd just faint! Waaaahhhh!" Yamuraiha whined as she cried and complained to Sharrkan, who was almost, almost ignoring her.

"Sharrkan! Are you even listening to me?! Masrur isn't here right now so you have to listen!" Yamuraiha said as chugged down another cup of alcohol.

"What happened to miss Yam?" Aladdin came to the two and asked Sharrkan as he sat beside his teacher.

"I don't even know. Maybe her 'boyfriend' broke up with her again" Sharrkan said

"Aren't you her boyfriend, big brother?"

"W-what?! Of course not! Why would I be interested in this weak magician?!" Sharrkan was flustered.

"Oh..." was all Aladdin could say, then he turned to his teacher and patted her back in an attempt to comfort her.

"Aladdin~! Listen to me, Sir Uraltugo hates me! He even fainted when he saw me. My lifes over!" Yamuraiha shouted and everyone heard what she said. She had too much to drink and all her words were slurred.

"That isn't true, Miss Yam! Ugo is just really really shy! I'm sure he doesn't hate you" Aladdin tried his best to comfort his teacher.

Moments later Setta and Ugo entered the frame. "Uncle Ugo!" Aladdin called out as he waved his hands to let Ugo know where he was. Ugo spotted Aladdin and Yamuraiha. He, along with Setta went to the table. He needed to apologize.

He kind-of explained himself and asked forgiveness to which Yamraiha denied since she insisted she was on the wrong. Finally the misunderstanding was cleared up and so, Yamuraiha sobered up took advantage of the opportunity. She was speaking to the legendary genius after all.

She asked everything she was curious about and Ugo answered everything, detail to detail. The two magicians had sparkles in their eyes as they talked about magic concepts and magic tools.

"What a dork" Both Ithnan and Sharrkan said in unison which made them look at each other after observing the two light-blue haired magician. If they didn't know better, they could be seen as siblings.

"Leave 'em be. Look at how excited the two are from talking about something they're really passionate and devoted to." Wahid defended while chowing down food.

"Miss Yam and uncle Ugo are so similar..." Aladdin commented.

"Come to think of it... They don't look too far in age gap." Jafar said as he looked and glanced at the magicians of Alma Torran.

"It's a high level skill of life magic. It makes our cells and bodies slow down in growth, and to some extent, stop it from it's natural course called growth." Setta explained.

"In our case, time didn't flow from where we came from so basically, our age is still the same seven years ago" Wahid added.

"W-what?!" Sinbad heard this and rushed to the group. "You mean to say you never did age through those seven years?!"

Wahid nodded to affirm. Sinbad just took a cup full of alcohol and chugged it down. One after the other until he got drunk.

"No fair..." He complained

"What's up with your king?" Ithnan asked Sharrkan for they were seated beside each other.

"He's sensitive about his age" Sharrkan explained to which Jafar nodded in agreement.

"This isn't fair. The man I looked up to when I was younger is now younger than I am!" Sinbad whined as he chugged down another cup of alcohol. "To think, Aladdin's father is younger than I am! I've become so old!"

Everyone laughed at what Sinbad was saying. Well, he really is very conscious about his age so knowing that the man he looked up to when he was young was now younger than he is, and he also has a ten year old child already, made him really bothered.

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