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A week has passed and Aladdin learned a lot. He was progressing really quick but what shocked all of them was that he had a huge output. He was like... A magi.

This had been the discussion of Sinbad and his generals for a week now.

Yamuraiha explained to Aladdin the concept of magic, rukh, magoi, magicians, and magi. He understood it well and has asked a certain question this day.

"How did you know all this miss Yam?"

"Ah. Yes. It is important to tell you who really is the genius behind this matter. This 'rukh' is discovered by none other than the genius magician 'Uraltugo Noi Nueph' of Alma Torran!" Yamraiha said excitedly. She has always been a fan of the said man and he is her inspiration.

"Alma Torran? Is that another country miss Yam?"

"Uhuh. And lord Uraltugo is currently the one governing it."

"Oh, I see"

"Actually, we haven't been able to see rukh back then"

"Eh?! Why?!"

"No one knows. I'm not even sure if lord Uraltugo knows why. But, ten years ago, there had been a distortion in our world."


"Yes, it somewhat changed for an unknown reason. And until ten years ago... All magicians were able to see rukh!"

"Eh? That can't just be the whole story."

"It is. No one knew what happened, not even Magnostadt. Alma Torran became a country that doesn't let just anyone in and lord Uraltugo had no comments."

"Why? Is king Uraltugo that strict of a king?"

"You got it all wrong, Aladdin" Jafar, who had just entered and joined the two explained.

"lord Uraltugo is no king. He just leads the people but he refuse to take the throne"

"Why not, mister Jafar? Why is there no king?"

"Seven years ago, the royal family died and only master Uraltugo survived" Jafar looked at Aladdin and noticed that he felt so sad about the things he told the boy so he stopped talking. He knelt down to the level of Aladdin and smiled warmly. "There's no need to be sad. Alma Torran just had it's own conflicts. It's still keeping up though"

Aladdin smiled back at the man and continued studying, casting, and formulating spells.

Now a month has passed since Aladdin stayed at Sindria but now, the king has visitors. Someone from Balbadd and the Kou Empire. Aladdin was so excited since king Sinbad said that the third prince of Balbadd would be coming.

Aladdin, Sinbad, and all his generals were waiting at the port. Looking at the ships that were arriving. The first ship was huge and it looked like a battleship. The other was more simple yet elegant in it's own design.

A man with a scar on his face and had a dark blue hair that's almost appeared like black. He had many servants and soldiers around him. "The fourth prince of the Kou Empire, prince Ren, Hakuryuu". One of the soldiers announced. The prince knelt and payed his respects to the king of Sindria and Sinbad welcomed him.

Another young lady followed after the prince. She had a dark pink hair fixed in two loops, that looked like bunny ears, on top of her head held by a golden pin. She had pink eyes too and was escorted by several servants and guards. Aladdin was staring at the young lady.

"Eighth imperial princess of the Kou Empire, princess Ren Kougyoku". Another soldier introduced the young lady as she payed her respects to the king. Sinbad came up to her, took her hand and kissed it, welcoming the young princess who was so flushed.

"Weird. The rukh around that princess changed it's color to pink. It's as pink as her face." Aladdin thought as he looked at the princess. The boy was trying to remember where he saw those pair of eyes.

Kougyoku was blushing so hard but another thing caught her attention. A blue head. She looked behind king Sinbad and saw a young boy, the same kid she saw at Kou. "It's you..." She muttered while staring at the boy who was now smiling at her. She was about to talk to him when a shout came from the next ship.

"Aladdin!" A blond shouted as he ran to his friend and a red haired followed him.


"What the heck! It's been so long! I actually heard about you being at Sindria so I immediately begged king Rashid to let me come!"

"I've learned so much here. It's great you're here too. How's miss Anise and uncle Rashid?"

"They're great. And I can see you're doing great too! Have you gotten taller?! Time flies fast!"

"And..." Aladdin looked at Alibaba from head to tow and smiled. "You haven't changed at all!"

"What?! I have changed! Look closer! I've trained my body and I'm more manly than ever! Oh, by the way, this is Morgiana. A friend I met." Alibaba said, referring to the red haired girl.

"Hello Mor-san. I'm Aladdin!"

"H-hi. Alibaba told me a lot about you" The girl was a little shy and she wasn't the best when showing her emotions. Deep inside she was pleased to meet Aladdin but her face didn't complement her emotions.

The royals were there to train and study as princes of their own country. As for Kougyoku, she admired the high king so she desperately wanted to meet him. Little did she know that she'll meet the brat she met back then.

Right now, Aladdin, Alibaba, and Morgiana are at the garden, catching up on things. Then moments later the two royals from Kou arrived.

"Greetings. I am Ren Hakuryuu, I was hoping we could join you." The prince asked as he bowed in respect.

"Sure! And you don't have to be so formal! Treat us casually" Alibaba smiled and they started to converse.

Kougyoku sat at the back, watching the three talk when she was disturbed. The little blue haired boy was staring at her too much. She looked at him and raised her brow. "What are you staring at, kid?" She asked coldly.

The boy sat beside her. "Onee san... You look familiar."

"Do I stand out that much?"

"In a way, yes. I'm sure I'd never forget a miss with a gaudy make-up" Aladdin said with his hand on his chin

"What did you say?! You damn brat!" Kougyoku started squeezing, pinching, and stretching out the poor little boy's cheeks out of anger.

"Ouch!" Aladdin exclaimed in pain. The princess let go and Aladdin started rubbing his cheeks. "I remembered!" Aladdin shouted which made all the others look at him.

"Remembered what?" Kougyoku asked.

"You're the rude and harsh lady I met back at Kou!" Aladdin said happily since he was glad he finally remembered who she was. But, Kougyoku was offended.

"That was rude, Aladdin." Morgiana said as she noticed the princess being offended by his words but Aladdin didn't notice

"But it's true! Right, oneeee...." Aladdin turned to see the girl but he was so scared of her that he wasn't able to finish what he wanted to say. He saw a dark aura coming from the girl. She was like a murderer, a predator who has her eyes set out on the kill.

Aladdin gulped and slowly turned around to avoid the princess and just walk away but a hand stopped him. A heavy hand landed on his shoulder which made him stop.

"Rude and Harsh?! How dare you brat! You little..." Kougyoku started pinching his cheeks harder and stretching it out as if it were rubber. Aladdin remembered his lessons and activated his borg. Kougyoku just kept banging on the borg, yelling at the little boy. "You brat! Don't hide in your borg!"

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