Father And Son

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The Alma Torran family were all now sitting at one table, dining, chatting, and joking with another.

"You still have this piece of stone?! Who'd use something like this, hahaha" Ithnan laughed as he made fun of Ugo's magic tool of gravity.

"Aladdin used it, alright?! And it helped!" Ugo defended.

"It really helped me, uncle Ithnan!" Aladdin said excitedly as narrated his flying above the skies with the help of the tool when he came to Alma Torran.

"Wait, you still use a tool for magic? Shouldn't you know now how to manage your magoi properly?" - Wahid asked

"He's like, just a child, Wahid" Falan simply stated while choosing food on the table. "And Setta, it's still so blaaannnnddd" She complained.

"It's healthy and has the proper nutrition" - Setta

"It's all tasty to me" - Wahid

"You said you learned magic in Sindria?" Ugo asked Aladdin.

"Mhm! And miss rurumu's cooking is great too!" Aladdin responded with his mouth full which didn't go unnoticed by Falan. "Chew your food properly, Aladdin".

"Sorry" Aladdin chewed his food properly this time. He then continued to tell the rest what Yamuraiha taught him.

"Ah, well. I guess you are you and your father is your father" Setta commented after Aladdins story.

Solomon kept quiet the whole time and just listened.

"What do you mean, uncle Setta?" Aladdin asked

"What my brother meant was just that when Solomon was your age, he could do so much more. But that's him, and you are different. Though Sheba was a good too."

"Don't worry Aladdin!" Ugo spoke as he encouraged the child. "Your father is the best of the best. He could teach you and you'd be better than him in no time!"

"Hahaha!" Ithnan started bursting out of laughter at hearing what Ugo said. "What?! You mean Solomon, teaching? I don't think that goes together! Hahaha"

"Stop making fun of Solomon, brother. He's is the best there is"

"Magician, yes. Teacher, nope. Not a chance" It was Wahid's turn to comment.

"You're being rude papa! I'm sure uncle Solomon is good at teaching. He's good at everything!" Tess defended his uncle.

"Yup. But like, not teaching." Then Falan joined in.

"Come on, Solomon. Say something. Tell us how you teach. Remember back then? You taught us a spell that was supposed to be on lifting simple object but because you were so bad we made the object alive and it messed with David's ongoing council?!" Ithnan relayed a story from the childhood.

"Boy were you scolded. David even banned you from teaching?! Hahaha!" Wahid continued.

"That was very uncool" was all Setta could say and then he sighed, remembering how they all got scolded and punished.

"Hey, there's like, a good thing about Solomon teaching, you'd be able to make wonders out of a simple spell" Falan added.

Everyone including Solomon laughed at the memory.

"Though I am confident that Aladdin would grow up to be far better than I am..." Solomon started as he glared at his friends. " I'd 'GREATLY' appreciate it if it were either Setta or Ugo who'll teach him."

Aladdin looked at the king Solomon as he spoke those words. 'The king believed I could be better than him?' Aladdin thought to himself.

Everyone were done eating but they were enjoying their conversations until it went to the black rukh. Aladdin shared that his rukh was almost dyed black which mad Solomon feel bad. He was almost too late. He couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt and pain.

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