Chapter 39

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Elizabeth's POV

I removed the silk dress and had a long shower. My eyes burned for sleep and I caught myself dozing off in the shower. After I was done with my shower I checked my phone for any missed calls or texts and saw a few texts from Beckett and one from Himari and Blaire.

It was one in the morning. I sat on the bed and released my hair from its bun and ran a hand lazily through it as I yawned.

The room door opened and it was Carlos and Luca both drunk like skunks, whispering and giggling to each other like two school girls. I raised an eyebrow at the two.

Luca couldn't stand Carlos and all of a sudden they looked like they've known each other for years. I was curious to know what happened during the course of the night that the two suddenly seemed so close. "He's all yours Liz," Carlos slurred. "If you want," he added.

Luca chuckled and nudged Carlos with his elbow. "Shhhh," he sounded and wobbled out of Carlos's grip.

Luca's face had drawings in black ink of flowers and hearts all over it. "What's happened to your face?" I asked and his face paled.

"What's happened to it?" He asked running his hand over it. "Have I caught the ugly?" He wobbled over to the bathroom and I chuckled.

"Sweet dreams," Charlos gave me a salute and wobbled out of the room. I closed the door after him and went after Luca.

He was standing in front of the small mirror above the basin. "Oh my God. I tattooed my face!" He shrieked, running his hands over the drawings. He stumbled back and fell on the bathroom floor.

My eyes widened and I tried hard to suppress my laughter. "Are you okay?" I moved over to help him up. He smiled sleepily at me and I pulled him up with much difficulty.

He stumbled and fell onto me pushing me back against the bathroom sink as his two arms caged me in. My heartbeat exhilarated as his green eyes locked onto mine. A look in his eyes I've never seen before had my breath hitching in my throat. He didn't seem playful anymore but serious.

His nose brushed mine and his breath hit my lips. My eyes shut tightly as my body buzzed at his close proximity and I bit down hard on my lip. My heart pounded against my ribcage and I licked my lips because they felt dry. "I think you should go to sleep," I squeaked out, putting my hands against his chest, hoping he'd take a step back. He took a step back and my hands fell to my sides. I felt like I could breathe easily again.

He ran a hand through his hair and looked at his face in the mirror behind me again. "Shit the tattoos. I have to remove my tattoos before my mother sees," he slurred. "The woman will have a fit."

He moved away from me and to the bedroom. I followed after him to see him at the desk tossing the items on it around. "What are you looking for?" I went over to him.

"My car keys." He stumbled back.

"You are not driving in this condition." I grabbed onto his hand and pulled him away from the desk.

"But princess my face. Steph's wedding," he said in broken English.

"I'll remove your tattoos," I assured him.

He thought for a second. "But you don't know how." I ignored his drunken rambles and made him sit on the bed.

I went over to the bathroom to get a towel. I wet the corner of the towel and put some liquid soap onto it. I walked over to Luca and he was looking down at his knees. I stood in front of him and he looked up at me. A magnificent smile on his face.

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