Chapter 27

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Luca's pov

She was an enigma and I was curious. It's like I could just sit for hours on end, unraveling the mystery that was Elizabeth.

I watched her through my windscreen as she walked over to my car with her bag on her back. She got into the car and I looked at her from the corner of my eye. She seemed better. I hated seeing her so distraught. I tried to be there for her but she pushed me away.

I started the car and put it on the road without looking directly at her. She turned to the passenger window and looked out like she always did when she was deep in thought.

I wasn't angry that she didn't open up to me. Maybe it was best that we didn't spend a lot of time together and get to know each other better. There would be nothing for me or her to miss when I stay in England.

I wanted to know what happened between her and her ex-boyfriend but then I didn't want to upset her again so I would remain silent until I found an appropriate time to bring up the topic.

My stomach growled, and I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, hoping Elizabeth didn't hear it. I reached for the radio and turned it on so that the sounds of my restless stomach wouldn't reach her ears.

Hunger pains. That's what Stephanie called it.

Taking the first turn instead of the next turn that would of lead me to Elizabeth's housing complex. I drove to the closest fast-food restaurant in the area.

"Where are you taking me?" Elizabeth asked, sitting up in her seat as she looked around the area.

I rubbed the back of my head and smirked. "It's a surprise princess."

She sighed."I'm tired of you kidnapping me," she mumbled under her breath.

"It's not kidnapping if you willingly go with the kidnapper. Besides, it seems like you developing Stockholm syndrome faster than usual."

Her mouth fell open as she raised her one eyebrow quizzically. " You self righteous ape-man. Get over yourself."

"Apeman!" I repeated in outrage and she crossed her arms. I get that she was in a mood but there was no need for name-calling.

"You heard me," she said.

"Listen, princess, I'd rather be an ape-man than dress like an old hag ."

"I do not dress like a hag," She said in anger.

"My poor eyes beg to differ," I mumbled under my breath.

"I just loathe you sometimes," she spat, in distaste and narrowed her eyes at me.

"I wish I could say sometimes for you too princess."

"Don't talk to me then if I'm so loathsome." She pulled her face as her nose scrunched up and her lips pursed in a thin line.

I wanted to poke her cheek. She looked like a chubby little squirrel with a mouth full of nuts. I laughed at her instead. "Fine by me dear," I said, sarcastically.

She turned her body away from me, shifting in the car seat to face the window instead. I heard her huff in anger and I was finding it hard to take her seriously when she came off as adorable.

I turned back to the road, I didn't want her to be angry with me, but then she shouldn't have resorted to the pitty game of name-calling if she couldn't take and only dish out.

She peered over her shoulder casually and I watched her from the side of my eye as she slowly started to turn towards me again. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Hey," she started and I looked towards her in curiosity.

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