Chapter 40

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Stephanie and Christian were getting ready to leave for Italy with the rest of Christian's family who I barely minced words with. Steph pulled me into a long tearful hug.

Everyone was downstairs ready to say goodbye to Stephanie and Christian. Even Harry who Luca told me was often in his study working. Steph sniffled. "I'm going to miss you so much Liz," she squeezed me.

"I'll miss you too." I meant that. I would miss Stephanie. She was a once in a lifetime person. She moved over to hug her brother who groaned.

"You crushing my bones Stephen!" Luca groaned as Steph attempted to squeeze the life out of him and I chuckled.

Carlos Stepped in front of me. He was leaving for Madrid. "Mi Corazón, it was a pleasure meeting you," he hugged me. "If this Mamón gives you a hard time," he chuckled gesturing to Luca. "Call me and I'll kick his ass."

Luca chuckled. "Que te folle un pez!" My eyes widened. I didn't know Luca could speak Spanish. Carlos erupted into laughter and both men embraced each other in a friendly hug patting each other on the back.

"You're a good man. Take care of her okay," Carlos told Luca.

"Since when are you two best buds?" Christian asked, what everyone else including myself was thinking. 

Carlos put his one hand on his hip. "Well, Mi Hermano. Celebrations bring people together."

Everyone said their goodbyes and then James walked with all of them to the car. He was going to take them to the airport. Mia and Suzanne left for Germany early in the morning and Abigail and Madeline went back to their homes in England.

Luca helped me book a flight to Pasadena for the next day. He even went as far as to phone a taxi company in Pasadena and ensure the man be there to pick me up straight after I landed.

Sometimes I liked his protective side. Other times he just annoyed me by always wanting things done his way. We walked out of the house and to the garage. He promised me a day of sightseeing and good behavior.

"Catch princess," Luca said, tossing me the car keys. I caught them and looked up at Luca. "Let's see what you can do behind the wheel."

My palms began to sweat. "It's been a while since I drove," I admitted.

"You can never forget driving," he laughed. "Do you drive like how you play Fifa?"

"Go to hell I almost had you last night," I pointed a finger at him and he laughed.

"Sure you did," sarcasm dripped from his words as he rolled his eyes at me.

I got into the driver's seat of the car. I stared at the steering wheel and gulped feeling the hair on my neck stand. There was no need to panic. I was just going to be attempting to drive a million-dollar car. No pressure. If I smashed it I could probably pay for it to be repaired in the year twenty sixty.

Luca got into the car as I moved to put the key in the hole. "Now princess," he said and I jumped causing him to raise an eyebrow. "Remember to drive on the left-hand side of the road." I nodded frantically. I moved to put the key in the hole again and due to my sweaty palms, they fell to the floor of the car.

I smiled awkwardly as Luca watched me clearing his throat and looking in the opposite direction. I picked up the keys and put them into the ignition.

I turned the key and the car roared like a beast that was awakened from hibernation. The entire car vibrated under me. It was an entirely new terrifying feeling because this time I was behind the wheel with Luca in the passenger seat.

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