Chapter 12

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Staring into his eyes was like being lost in a forest. It was beautiful, but in the back of my mind, I knew the forest was a dangerous place to get lost in. His eyes held my gaze as his arms stayed secured around my waist as if they belonged there. It was so natural the way he held onto me without hesitation. He leaned in and I let out a deep breath of satisfaction...

but something wasn't right about this.

"Liz, Lizzy," I felt someone nudge me and I stirred in my sleep. The realization that it was just a dream got my eyes to snap open.

I couldn't believe how lucid the dream had been. I could feel Hendricks presence,  I could smell the wild mint off his breath and I could feel the anxiety of being under his cold stare. I closed my eyes tightly. Why couldn't he just leave me alone if he hated me so much. "Liz, are you okay?" I recognized the voice to be Blaire's and turned over to see her sitting at the edge of my bed with a tray of pancakes.

I sat up disoriented. I don't remember walking to my bed. "Blaire, what time is it?" I asked, rubbing at my eyes. I didn't need a mirror to know that they were probably like two red marbles.

"It's ten am. I thought you would be hungry." My eyes widened and I jumped out of my bed. I overslept and missed my morning lecture. My sudden outburst of energy startled Blaire and she stood up.

"Why didn't anyone wake me?" I asked rushing over to my desk to get my textbooks.

"Well, Himari, and I thought you turned off your alarms because you wanted the day off," she explained.

I have never been so tired before that I slept through my alarms. It was no lie that the stress of university and work was getting to me. It was something that worried me every day.

I let out a breath. I knew that I needed to breathe. I just felt so rushed all the time and I knew that I needed to slow down before I crashed. I needed to organize my thoughts, but that was easier said than done when I felt each thought scream in my head for attention.

The first thought: what if by missing today's lecture I missed something important. The second: how did I get in my bed when I was busy at my desk last night. The third thought: Could I still make it to go to university today. I looked down at the time on my phone. My notification from my planner telling me I was supposed to be in political science.

Silence had settled in the room and I looked at Blaire who was now fiddling with my monkey. "Blaire," I called and she jumped putting the monkey down.

"Hmm," she hummed.

"I fell asleep at my desk. How did I get in my bed?" It was a shot in the dark question but I don't remember walking to my bed.

Blaire smiled knowingly before taking a seat next to the monkey she positioned to sit up. "Beckett came up to say good night to you and he saw you at your desk so..." she trailed with a smirk on her face. "He tucked you in," she said, emphasizing the words tucked in as she spoke.

Beckett carried me. My eyes widened and I facepalmed myself. Blaire started giggling and I rolled my eyes.

"Haha, Blaire." I acted as if it didn't bother me.

"Okay okay," she said between her laughter. "I'm sorry, but you do like him?" she asked but it sounded more like she already knew the answer.

"As a friend," I stated.

"A friend got it," she said and handed me the tray. "Breakfast." The pancakes were drenched in chocolate sauce and I smiled up at Blaire.

"Where's Himari?" I asked since such a delicacy for breakfast was present. Himari's health smoothies were awful but she made sure we drank it before eating any actual food.

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