Chapter 2

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Elizabeth's POV.

We agreed to go to the party at eight pm. To kill time till eight, Blaire and Himari, gave me a tour of the house.
The sitting room area had a couch, a tv that hung on the wall, colorful bean bag chairs, a cabinet that contained books, and a mahogany coffee table.

The kitchen was laid out in a simplistic modern style. White countertops and dark oak wood cupboards. In the center of the kitchen was a circular table with chairs. The glass sliding door gave a view of the small back yard.

After showing me the laundry room that consisted of a washer and dryer. They took me upstairs and showed me to my room. The room only had one desk, closet, and a bed.

They then showed me the two bathrooms. One had a shower and the other had a bathtub. After giving me a thorough tour they left me alone so that I could unpack my clothes and take a shower.

Blaire and Himari were friendly. I almost forgot what it was like to have friends. I never had friends when we moved to Pasadena.

I unpacked my bag and took my toiletries to the bathroom. I would have preferred a nice bubble bath after the long day I had, but since they wanted to leave soon. I settled with taking a twenty-minute shower.

When I was done with my shower. I wrapped a bathrobe around myself and went back into my room. While still in my bathrobe I called my mom and told her I was at the housing complex. I contemplated whether to tell her about the party or not.

I didn't want to mention the party to her and make her worry unnecessarily. I wasn't going to do anything unsavory at the party. I was just going because I promised Blaire.

I began running a hand lazily through my hair, untangling it. The last party I attended was my nana's seventieth birthday party. My phone rang suddenly causing me to jump. Percy's name flashed on the screen and I swiped my finger across the screen.
"Hi, perc."

"Hey Lizzy, how are you?"

"I'm fine. What's up?"

"Nothing just checking up. How is your first day in New York going?"

"Well I just got here a few hours ago, but it's going great so far," I chuckled.

"That's good Liz. I'm glad you having fun. So what are you getting up to later on tonight?"

I was not going to mention the party to him. He'd freak out more than my mom. "Nothing," I answered a little too quickly and he hummed. "The girls and I are just going to watch a movie later."

I heard yelling coming from the background and Percy went silent.
"Perc?" I questioned trying to listen in on what was happening.

"Okay, Lizzy. I'll call you later on in the week. I got to go. Some idiot got trapped in the dangerous reptiles enclosure. Have a good night."

"Good night Perc," I said, and the call cut. Percy is a Zoologist. He studied animal behavior and physiology. He currently worked at the Staten Island Zoo.

I unpacked the rest of my bags and put a lilac bed Sheet on my bed followed by a blue comforter. I put Mr. Grobbles on my pillow, I placed my laptop on the desk next to a clock, and put my books on the shelf that hung above the table. I would unpack my clothes later because it was a lot to unpack.

I pulled out the first set of clothes I saw, grey jeans and a red sweater. I got dressed and put my hair up in a high ponytail. My hair was long and I was between cutting it and embracing it.

I didn't own much makeup. Only eyeliner and lip gloss which I quickly applied. I looked at my reflection in the long mirror that was on the wall and I knew immediately that I wasn't going to fit in. I wasn't super skinny, I only dressed for the sake of having clothes on my body, whether the clothes were flattering or not, I didn't care.

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