Chapter 49

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She was a vision shrouded in color. Stained glass suited her well. If she had to be embodied in it after her existence I know it would do her justice. She would live forever through the glass and people will know her as I knew her.


Elizabeth's POV

I put my arms through the sleeves of my black winter coat. Considering I dressed without any help from Blaire, I'd say I did well. Besides, it was standard winter attire; boots, jeans, beanie, and coat.

I played the dressing neutral. Luca refused to tell me where he was taking me. I put my hair down for the extra warmth. My body had forgotten just how brutal the wind and snow were.

"Lizzy, Luca is downstairs," Blaire said, appearing at my bedroom door. "You look really beautiful."

"Thanks at least I get points for dressing myself."

Blaire smiled wryly. "Sure," she dragged out. I'm sure Stephanie would have given me the points with the same amount of enthusiasm as Blaire.

I walked down the steps and saw Luca dressed in a black coat as well. He looked handsome and princely again. "You ready love?" He asked and I nodded. He reached out his hand for me and I took it. I didn't know my hands were cold till I felt the inviting warmth of his.

"See you guys later," I told them and both Blaire and Himari smiled before chiming a very girly goodbye.

Luca opened the car door for me and I got in. He got in the driver's seat. "So why are you being so secretive where are you taking me?" I asked.

"I kind of have to make right on an official date." He smiled.

"Oh, are you afraid I'm going to tell everyone my first date with you was at McDonald's," I giggled.

"Oh," he grinned. "So it was a date then."

"If it was and I'm not saying it was," I pointed out, "I wouldn't of minded."

"Why can't you just admit you had the hots for me from the first day," he smirked.

I laughed. "Who in this century says the hots?"

"Evading the question so it must be true then."

I paused a small smile on my face as I tried to recall the mixed feelings. "I remember very vaguely of being between liking and killing you."

He looked at me considering my words. "Huh, talk about that fine line between love and hate."

"Are you going to tell me where we going?"

"No Miss Blaine be patient." 

I fiddled with my fingers as I looked out my window. "I'm not good at surprises it makes me anxious."

"I'm sure you can be a little patient if you tried love," he said and entwined our fingers. He brought it to his lips and kissed the back of my hand.

I sighed and looked at the snowy roads. The traffic was moving slowly and I was surprised at how calm Luca was about it. He had the radio on so I distracted myself by listening to the news.

Soon he turned into an undercover parking of a skyscraper. I looked around at the parking and it wasn't filled. Not knowing what we were doing today was eating me alive.

He got out of the car and I followed suit. He popped the trunk of his car and pulled out a box "Here." He smiled.

"What is it?"

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