Chapter 10

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I walked into El Royal already dressed in my work uniform. When I left home Beckett looked like he was traumatized. Every time a song came on during the movie. He would cover his ears and say, 'No not again'.

Blake stood behind the counter watching Seth and another waitress, Rosa, wheel a large four-tier cake into the elevator for the sixteen-year-old girl's birthday party that was going to take place later on.

Thankfully I wasn't going to be working for the party but doing my normal shifts. "Liz, Good you finally decided to show up," Blake said.

"Sorry the bus..." he cut me off by holding up his hand.

He brought his face close to mine. "All you give me are excuses," he spat and stepped back.


"Anyway Mr. Hendricks personally requested for you to wait on him," Blake said and a warm smile lit up my face. Mr. Hendricks was the man that left me a generous tip a few nights ago."I told him your shift only started at six but he said he'll wait."

"Which table?" I asked.

"Table twelve," he said, not looking up from the computer. I took my notepad from under the desk, grabbed a pen, and walked into the restaurant.

I was going to thank Mr. Hendricks for his generous tip. He was proof that there are people out there that are kind and appreciate other hard-working people's efforts.

As table twelve started to come into view my pace slowed as I stared at the back of the head of the man seated at table twelve. No this couldn't be right...

No, no, no, no!

My heart began to beat rapidly, my palms became sweaty and I wanted to run, but at the same time, I wanted to stand my ground. There had to be some kind of mistake. Was this some kind of a joke. Was Blake playing a prank on me because I came in a few minutes late.

I walked over to the table and stood in front of the man. He was busy on his phone. I opened my mouth to talk but the words refused to come out. Unable to say anything I cleared my throat instead.

His head snapped up at me and he looked at me with a quirked eyebrow. "Hello," he greeted and it would have sounded genuine if it wasn't for the cocky arrogant smirk he had plastered on his face. The audacity.

"You are Mr. Hendricks?" I exclaimed in shock.

"The last time I checked," he said looking down at his phone.

"Wow," my thoughts voiced their opinion.

"Excuse me?" He asked and I shook my head.


If he was Hendricks why did he leave me the large tip. "I don't like being stared at. Just do your job which is taking my order," he said, irritation clear in his voice.

"Sure sir, what would you like?"

"How about the London Broil."

How about a silver steak!

"Anything to drink."

"Whiskey on the rocks."

I wrote down his order and walked back to the kitchen. Why did he want me to wait on him again and where was his friend. I'm sure his friend must have left the tip and not him. That would make more sense, but still, why would he want me to wait on him after the last time.

I walked into the kitchen and put his order up before walking to the back to meet Brenda since she handled all the drinks. "Brenda," I said and she smiled while filling up glasses with champagne.

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