Chapter 41

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Luca's POV

I stirred at the feeling of someone tapping my shoulder repeatedly. "Just a few more minutes princess," I groaned and tried to open my eyes.
But they felt heavy and I struggled with forcing them open. My eyes burned as soon as they captured the dull light that flooded the room. 

I was in the living room. I remembered that I left Elizabeth alone last night. I wanted to give her space so I came down to the living room.

"Luca," my mother called from beside me and I ran a hand down my face and brought it to rest over my mouth as I stifled a yawn.

I turned to look at my mother and her eyes were glazed over in anger. Taking in my mother's furious face early in the morning. I immediately moved to sit up and my foot kicked something on the floor. Looking down I noticed it was an empty whiskey bottle. "What have you done?" She asked, her voice leaning on the verge of anger. 

I rubbed at my eyes that were burning, desperately wanting to close them again. "I haven't done anything mum," my throat ached and felt dry as I spoke and as result my voice was hoarse.

"Tell me why did you let Liz go to the airport alone?" she questioned, throwing her hands up in disbelief and my eyes widened.

I stood up so fast that my vision turned blurry and I stumbled back clutching my head. "I didn't let her-" I registered what she just said and paused for a moment questioning my ears if they heard right. Elizabeth was gone. "I- I have to go." I moved to leave the room and patted my pants pockets to ensure I had my car keys.

My neck and body hurt as if I'd been in a fight the previous night. I wasn't expecting Elizabeth to react the way she did when I told her I ended things with Allison.

Maybe I should have taken things slower and told her first before I tried to kiss her. Instead, I acted on my feelings without thinking clearly. The last thing I wanted was to scare her away.

It took me a very long time to realize that my feelings for Allison faded and I was holding onto something that wasn't there anymore. I was standing on a sinking ship refusing to save myself when I knew how to swim.

I had to let go of Allison. I couldn't lie to her or myself anymore. It wasn't fair to both of us. I felt guilty that I couldn't keep all the promises I once made to her but at the same time, I felt relief that I was free from a loveless relationship.

Allison was furious with me like any normal person would be. It was time for us to move on and stop hurting each other and though my honesty was rewarded with a slap across my face. I knew she understood the truth in my words.

I rushed out of the house and Harry looked up from his phone at me. "Son," Harry called. "What happened.  Where are you rushing off to?"

"Can't talk now. I'll be back," I was surprised at how polite I was. Usually, I'd ignore him or give him a really shitty answer.

I checked the time on my phone as I walked to the garage door and pressed the button to open the door. Liz's flight was at ten am. It was only a quarter to nine.

I knew she felt what I felt. She could deny it as much as she wanted. She was a stubborn woman sometimes. I just wish she would have talked to me instead of running away from me.

But I would not let her be the one that got away from me. I was crazy for her and she needed to know that, I wasn't using her as a rebound and it wasn't just infatuation. I genuinely cared about her and wanted her to be a part of my life.

I got into the car and started it immediately, wasting no time in pulling it out of the garage. As I drove past the door of the house, I saw my mother and Harry watching me. "Luca-" my mother called in a voice of concern. I put the car in second gear and sped off to the gates. 

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