Chapter 11

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Luca's POV

I parked my car in my reserved parking space in the apartment building. I was exhausted. I barely slept the previous night because I was studying for a biology test. Between working out, attending my classes, and volunteering at the hospital, I barely had time anymore.

I was stupid to go back to that restaurant last night, but I couldn't concentrate every minuscule, and explicit thought led back to her. I thought after I saw her again I would be able to focus but, having her so close to me was a mistake. I shouldn't have pulled her to me. I should of just let that other waitress walk into her.

I took the stairs up to the apartment. I never really liked elevators. I got stuck in one when I was a child and it took them three hours to get me out. I never used an elevator after that. I would rather scale a hundred staircases than take an elevator ever again. Luckily for me, there were only four flights of stairs to get to my apartment.

I needed to sleep. I was exhausted, but whenever I slept I ended up dreaming about Elizabeth. The way she frowned and how her eyebrows would knit together when I would act like a complete jack ass. The way she looked into my eyes when I pulled her to me. It was wrong. I shouldn't have had the thoughts I had. I loved Allison, yet I couldn't stop thinking about Elizabeth.

I could never bring myself to end my relationship with Allison, not after all the promises I made to her. My family and my friends would never get it.

I always keep my promises.

I walked into my apartment and the sound of opera music immediately got my attention. The music was supposed to be soothing but it was just getting on my last fucking nerve. "The fuck is this?" I asked loudly and James popped his head out of his room.

"Just a bit of spring Cleaning sir," James said walking out of his room with a feather duster. James was eccentric. Good old fashioned weird. I let him carry on and walked over to my room to call Allison since I couldn't talk to her last night.

I sat in front of my computer and dialed up Allison on Skype. A few seconds later her face popped up. "Hey love," she said and her accent made me miss home more than anything. "You look like shit," she smiled.

"How are you love?" I asked resting my head back on my desk chair.

"You know Luca having a boyfriend in another continent isn't fun. I feel like a fucking army wife." Allison had no filter she said exactly what came to her mind and she wasn't good with words either. Her face was already plastered in makeup and her hair was done. She was wearing a deep cut vest and her blonde hair fell over her shoulders. Hiding the tattoo of a rose she had on her left shoulder. She was gorgeous but then why couldn't I stop thinking about Elizabeth. "Earth to Luca are you even listening to me?" She asked in annoyance.

"I'm listening," I said while running a hand down my face.

"When are you coming home?"

"When my mother invites me back. She stopped asking me to come home when she found out we were still together." It wasn't a lie that my mother didn't like Allison.

"Just great you have to be invited to your own house. Do you know how ridiculous that is," she said, running a hand through her hair in disbelief.

"Well it isn't my house now is it?" I barked in anger. Every time we video called or texted it ended in an argument. The distance wasn't doing our relationship any favors.

"Well, then I see you in a bitchy mood. I'll call after you get your period." She hung up the call and I let out a sigh.

Allison and I were not always like this. Being apart is taking a toll on our relationship. We were best friends before we got together. Allison had a tough childhood. One day I walked into her house to find her dad asleep on the couch. I went up to her room and found her curled up in a ball. Her father had beat her up. Her mother was at work while Allison's crack head of a father stayed at home and got high.

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