Chapter 25

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Elizabeth's POV

It was Friday.

The week fell into its normal routine.

Beckett picked me up for university. His strange affectionate behavior subsided. If it didn't then I would be stuck having an awkward conversation with him about it.

I'd prefer it if Beckett, was honest and straightforward when it came to his feelings. I'm not good at picking up mixed signals, so I ignore them altogether.

I didn't want to bring up his sudden acts of affection, I was worried he would shoot down my concerns as if they were nothing. Then it would look like I was misinterpreting our friendship.

Beckett still refused to attend professor Villin's class. So I would attend with Adrienne, who was good company to keep. She would often talk about home and her grandmother.

The last lecture for the day dragged on and I found myself slipping from a state of consciousness to a state of unconsciousness.


I hadn't heard from Luca since Saturday.

Don't get me wrong I was glad to be rid of the Englishman for a few days, but I've grown fond of our little back and forth banters.

Students around me started putting away their books and I woke up from my dazed state and followed suit. "Are you okay?" Beckett asked from beside me.

"Yeah," I said, standing and stretching. My bones cracked, and damn did it feel good.

Beckett chuckled. "Come on," he said, and then I felt my phone buzz in my jean's pocket.

I followed after Beckett as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I swiped my finger across the screen, unlocking it.

It was from Satan.

Luca had put his number in my phone on Saturday. The message read: Where are you, princess?

He was so rude. Instead of saying hi, or asking how I was doing, he wanted to know where I was.

Firstly hello and secondly nunya! I responded and pocketed my phone. My phone buzzed again and I rolled my eyes.

What the devil is a Nunya! A sarcastic smile formed on my face as I thought about his facial expression. I could practically hear his voice in my head.

None of your business! If he wanted to talk to me he should have been nicer about it, but as usual, he chose to be a jackass.

"What's so funny?" Beckett asked, and peeped his head into my phone. "Who is Jekyll, Hyde?"

"Luca," I said, with a humorous smirk on my face, and then I heard Beckett sigh beside me.

Do you have to be a pain in the ass about everything princess? How funny he thought I was the pain in the butt. Has he ever looked in the mirror. If he did he'd see the definition of a pain in the ass smirking back at him.

Not everything... only when it comes to you, Hyde.

"Can I drive you to work?" Beckett asked from beside me and I shook my head.

"It's fine. I'll take the bus."

"Just this one time Liz. We barely hang out anymore," he said and I thought about it. Beckett was my friend after all and I did enjoy his company. I just didn't want to feel like I was taking advantage of his good nature by letting him drive me to work.

"Fine just this once," I said, giving in and he grinned.

"Victory," he cheered.

My phone buzzed again and I looked at the text in confusion. Because of you, I am now in a predicament. You are going to pay princess.

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